Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024

Why Aren't Men Working

He gives some reasons:

Excessive educational demands

women don't need or want men so no need for family formation

Currently women are undesirable(boss bitch)

Social welfare state allows opt out instead of starvation

commenters talked about globalization and drug addiction

I think that not everybody used to marrry and that 80% or more male full time work was maybe anomalous to a certain industrial era. The expectations are too high historically for all to marry, work 45 years full time in a meaningful career, have three kids, own home.  About 100 years ago half of Americans were rural farmers and there were 120 million people. What was average education in years or other job training? Triple the population and pack them in urban areas or suburban housing, entertain them with screens, feed them processed garbage, warehouse them in schools or office buildings, depending on age. Change technology and educational requirements rapidly to ensure no one can keep up and remove jobs by moving factories away, importing millions of cheap illegal laborers.

The climate change discussion decries the inability of certain species to adapt within a generation or two to environmental change, leading to extinction. What about humans?  If a farmer learned from his father and back ten thousand years and then in several generations nothing is recognizable from that perspective then after a while once adaptibility limits have been reached then general burnout will ensue and the system, the population will become dysfunctional. We see this in corruption, drug addiction, mental illness, crime, sexual dysphoria.  People drop out of workforce. Dating by app became a nightmare. Try calling a tech help line or similar and waiting or watch TV with endless ads. Live on the freeway. 


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