Montag, 3. Juni 2024

Bryan Johnson Age Markers

They start the segment talking about "nighttime boners" and duration being a strong indicator of age of all sorts. Interesting for aging males like myself and he talks of electrical stimulation tests that brought up this issue. Yoga, chi and Kundalini stimulation definitely increase erectile function. This is however just a general sign of a strong nervous system, cardiovascular function and hormonal response which are all improved by yoga, cardio sport, meditation, nutrition. I feel much younger than before in terms of flexibility, energy. Performance improves over time more easily as one builds from a stronger base. If the nervous system, heart is strong and gut muscles too then one experiences warm Chakras like heart, throat, gut, crown, third eye but also longer erections as this is also a chakra. A general philosophical problem in religious circle can be to repress or condemn sexuality, although in effect spirituality focuses on inner health and therefore increases sexual function. This contradictions leads to serious problems among clergy, hypocrisy. Paul said we should have one wife if we cannot abstain.

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