Donnerstag, 29. August 2024

Goodbye Blue Skies


Hollywood's Diversity Obsession

Same in all Western media, advertising

Berlin Travel Guide


Typhoon Shanshan Hits Japan


America's Doomsday Weapon


Small Feet, Chinese Leftover Women in Imperial China


Moon River


DEI Axed From Colleges, Reducing Minority, White Enrollment, Increasing Asians Significantly


Forgotten WWII Underground Projects


Dienstag, 27. August 2024

Montag, 26. August 2024

Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry


Grow Squash


Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils


Migrant Gangs Take Over Central Park


Flush Out Body Sugar Overnight


Berlin Taken Over by Criminal Clans and Extremists


Is Islam the Fastest Growing Religion?


Free Falling - Tom Petty cover


Sonntag, 25. August 2024

Muslim Rule in UK, Brits as Second Class

Apartheid regime, the imprisoned protesters are the new Nelson Mandela's. 

Aryans Invasions


RFK Jr. Speech at Trump Rally


Illegal Chinese Work 2 Years Free in Toronto Restaurants, Grocery Stores


UK Homelessness

 In fact, the UK has one of the highest populations experiencing homelessness in OECD countries, according to data from 2023, with 16 people in every 100,000 people living on the streets and 410 per 100,000 living in temporary accommodation or shelters

More than 300,000 people in the UK – half of them children – are thought to be sleeping on friends’ sofas or in cars or other forms of temporary accommodation. It’s estimated that around 14 million people in the UK live in relative poverty and the number of people relying on food banks has surged from 25,000 in 2009 to more than 3 million in 2024. In the US, the number of people living on the streets is 76 per 100,000, with 117 per 100,000 staying in temporary housing. Of the half million people experiencing homelessness in the US in 2022, around one in five lived in either Los Angeles or New York, with half of all unsheltered people living in California, according to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. All four countries in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) have segments of the population struggling with housing and homelessness. England’s overall homeless population in 2021 was 274,000, according to the homelessness charity Shelter. Of this total, “rough sleepers” account for the most noticeable sub-population. These are individuals who sleep outside on the streets, doorways, benches, etc. Statistics show 2,688 rough sleepers on the streets of England on any given night in 2021.

Fake Rolex


Real Life NPCs(Non Playing Characters)

This idea is funny as we all only exist to others in our public form at work or so. Only you are the protagonist.


Homemade Products


Subsidies to Old People Cut in Britain Against Campaign Promises


Zombie Foreign Killers Take Over UK with Support of Uniparty

Video of the attack from X platform here. Whether ISIS immigrants in Germany or crazies in England it is all the same Open borders extreme left wing ideology. No one is illegal.All people are good. Kumbaya. 


North Magnetic Pole Shifting into a Supervolcano


Hezbollah Attack


Tulsi on Kamala

Lots of ex Dems out there

Samstag, 24. August 2024

ISIS Claims Attack in Germany 

Hoe Math - Relationship Zones


Languages Besides English and Spanish Most Spoken in US States 

Neptune Generations,Neptune%20takes%20165%20years%20for%20the%20planet%20to%20transit%20the,12th%20House%20of%20the%20Unconscious. 

Taste - Sabrina Carpenter, feat. Jenna Ortega, R for violence
 Murderous Fight Followed by Hot kiss. Her videos get more extreme all the time. It is hard to imagine what comes next. Beheadings and porn?

Ethnic Conflict Returns to Europe


Romanian Salt Mine






Mass Stabbing in Germany


Christian Girl Chat


US Air Superiority Ends in Ukraine


100 Mile Walk


Freitag, 23. August 2024

Scorpions - Still Loving You , cover


How Art Became Ugly


Missing the Bigger Picture


Explaining American Civilization


Osaka Vlog


Inside Most Luxurious Mansions in Europe


50 Violin and Cello Instrumentals


Training Puppy Food Aggression


Mittwoch, 21. August 2024

Throne Heirs Europe


Misunderstandings About Africa


Countries Borders According to Natural Boundaries?


What Happened to Modern Feminism?


Why Modern Dating is Broken

Like say the perfect match is made in heaven. Assembly lines don't work in this. 

US Biotech Cartel Behind COVID Origin and Coverup


Moon Music - Comments on Coldplay's Tenth Album




A Wider War?


Taylor Swift - I Can Do it With a Broken Heart new music Video cum Eras Tour Documentary


Dienstag, 20. August 2024

AI Image Animation


Titanic Relics


How a Special Breed Saved NZ Kiwi Business


The Jews were Just Peasants


Leuchtenberg Sapphires


China in Africa


Aussies Liked in Europe Better than Brits, American Tourists 

Types of Damaging Fathers and Their Influence on Who We Become 

Sonntag, 18. August 2024

What Books Did the Nazis Burn?


Forget a Lover


Lake Constance Germany


Superpower Decline


Rome Trip


Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper


Lone Wolf Mentality


Alain Delon dies 88 

Samstag, 17. August 2024

Brit Elites Have Lost Control - Former MP Speaks on Riots, Immigration


Pair-Bonding vs. Promiscuity


Estrogen High Foods Men Should Avoid




Climate Tipping Points


Interesting Beaches Globally


Aging Not Gradual But at 44 and 60 Accelerates 

Brawl in Turkish Parliament


Donnerstag, 15. August 2024

Zuckerburg Goes Muskian


Swedish Gang Crime Spread Across Scandinavia 

After Years of Being Single


Society is Failing as Men Don't Own Anything So they Don't Care


Europe Will Be Muslim


Kursk Overview


The Harsh Reality About Work


Baby Goat Discovers Trampoline


Dating in Berlin is Horrible


My Son is Weak - New Generation Reality - Ronaldo Interview


Why Looking Poor is Important


Inquisition and Witch Hunts


Common Money Laundering Businesses


Nightlife in Guangzhou City


Be Evil or Stay Single


Mittwoch, 14. August 2024

Trump and Musk


The Irish Revolution and the Anglo-Irish Treaty


Painter Jules Joseph Lefebvre


Better Life in Russia?


Paris Olympics Closing Ceremony Satanic?


A Day in Hamburg


The Decline of the Gaelic Language


Advice From Someone in their 80s to those in their 50s


Steve Winwood - I Will Be Here


Dienstag, 13. August 2024

Montag, 12. August 2024

Stop Dragging My Heart Around


Anglo-Saxon Genetics


How Designed Brands Keep You Poor


Rowan Atkinson on Free Speech

Short form


German Bread is Better


Largest Ship Propeller


How Curvature is Described in Math


Canada is Slowly Dying


Improving Oneself Day by Day


Sonntag, 11. August 2024

Squirrel and Cat


Hamilton Ontario to The Animals song "We Gotta Get Out of This Place"


History of the Portuguese Language


Homeless Encampments Removed From Paris for the Olympics


Spis Castle, Slovakia


Frankfurt Central Station Nights


Science is Garbage


Tanks Gone from Battlefield Due to Drone Use, Mopeds Instead


Australian Discovers Her Swiss Roots


Samstag, 10. August 2024

US Athletes Allowed to Dope

Poor Femke

Mass Tourism Protests in Spain 

Balthus Provocative Artist






Cracow Cathedral


Summer in Moscow


Men's Olympics Marathon


Winter Ideal for Mould


Tyrrany According to Aristotle


Freitag, 9. August 2024

Wall Street Turning on AI


Far East Russia Vlog Harvesting Potatoes


Anti-Immigration Sentiment in Canada Rising


Moonlight Shadow cover




Why Western Elites Demand Mass Immigration


Rereleasing Kestrels into the Wild


Tim Walz Lowered Minnesota Economy




Donnerstag, 8. August 2024

UK Far Left


Cost to Decommission Wind Mills Deeply Wrong

Full life cost analysis of wind and solar necessary. 

Rebel Rebel by David Bowie , How to Play


Russia's Largest Cheese Festival

Cheese Festival?!

Rammstein in Klagenfurt Austria


When Police Dogs Save the Day


Apple Trashes Thailand, Asia, Sales Plummet


C-130 Army Transport Picks up Swift and Crew from Vienna after Terror Threat Forced Concerts Cancellation

OK so not all is well but Brit Riots were called off and Iran seems to have not attacked Israel so no civil war in UK and broader Middle East war. US Govt. taking care of it's most popular citizen abroad in a pinch.

Iranian Expat Sees Same Thing as Happened for Iranian Revolution in UK

Far left teams up with islamists and then loses power and gets slaughtered. 

Mittwoch, 7. August 2024

Is Cocaine Universal Use Driving the UK Riots? 

I thought the Brits drank a lot. How things change. 

Joe Rogan on Brit Pakistani Inbreeding, Over Half Marry First Cousins 

Stillbirths, Low IQ, irrational rage

Finland Country Life


Betelgeuse Pre-Supernova


The Political Triangle


Expat Life in Warsaw


Paris Gender Row


Eco-Activism in Georgia


Mali Cuts Political Ties with Ukraine


Far Left Britain 

Dienstag, 6. August 2024

Why Polish British are Leaving UK


Queer Millennials Life in Poland


Why Companies are Going Woke


Tattooed Heart cover


French Global Taxation of Citizens


How the NGO Network Runs the World


Dublin Walking Tour


Why IQ Decline Means the End of Political Impartiality


You Don't Actually Have to Work


Montag, 5. August 2024

Far Right / Imagine



Why North Americans Can't Build Nice Apartments


Tokyo Streets


Overshoot and it's Drivers


Why Should Brits Have to Integrate into their Own Country?

We could go into how change is permanent. A static culture dies. Observe Japan, Korea. England was formed by waves of invasions over time. Civil war over Islam in Europe just like in the 17th century between Catholic and Protestant could recur. WW2 was a huge war killing tens of millions. Such conflicts tend to occur regularly. This time it could be civil war. The global elite want profit through growth, i.e. immigration. They control everything, weapons sales to Israel, Ukraine, etc. It is all about money. Normal people everywhere are the victims. Displace third worlders  by war then send them to first world to compete with us. 

Paris in Decay


Toynbee - Civilizations Commit Suicide


Is Evolution Purposeful?


Photo Finish


Sonntag, 4. August 2024





Migrant Crisis: Has Ireland's Kindness Been Exploited?


Southern Europeans Going Extinct


Are we a New Weimar?

End Rome degeneracy, weak politics, etc. leading to fascism or communism with civil war on the way there.

Most historical analyses ignore this but we spent 13 years with Neptune in own sign of Pisces. This is as far left wing as it gets. Now Neptune is starting to enter Aries. Violence is becoming the norm for solving problems. When Neptune was in Aquarius we got the Internet boom. Then we got woke and uncontrolled immigration as it transited Pisces sign. Now people will start wars and civil wars readily, imagining that to be the answer to all problems. Neptune is a planet of imagination, fantasy. Be careful what you wish for. Going against the trend is something naturally only few people will do as the trend will seem so natural. We love crowds. One day we are infatuated with Internet, then it is refugees welcome and trans is cool, and now all sides will just love to at the least scream at each other and in some places have a good fight over their favorite ideas, ways of life or turf.

Why So Many Died on the Oregon Trail


Ban Social Media?


Britain is a Dump

No museums, swimming pools, public libraries, public parks, etc. Poverty wherever you look. I had a thought about the protests. They got colonies which later.. rebelled. America, Ireland, India. Now 'they' are the London elite. The Brits themselves are the last colony. The aborigines of the Island are rebelling as in V for Vendetta. The reason superficially is anti-islamization, foreign crime but dig deeper and you see centuries of exploitation. Before you could hope to get part of the spoils by going to the colonies or similar. Now the remainder of what is left is just a financial casino in the city of London and what happens to the aborigines is of no interest. 

Afghan Highway Construction with Chinese Help


America's Bachelor's Degree Obsession is Killing the Economy

More standardization of people, indoctrinization and then leftwing thinkers complain of traditionalists and religion as a knee jerk reaction against old fashioned standards. Why is a modern religion, blindly following some nonsense better than the old one? 

Was the Unabomber Right?

Our fear of Muslim traditionalism can be seen in our rejection of tradition for an unnatural hyper modern lifestyle. Having a few corporations make everything the same as in previous video is one example. Our religions are also extremely similar and fitting into Islam, Buddhism, etc. takes a small acclimatization. Modernism is also just an ideology.

Why Everywhere in America Looks the Same


Islam in Europe


Samstag, 3. August 2024

UK Protests Live


How Russians Tracked US Subs


Riot Police Brutality in Manchester

Live protests


English Garden Munich


Excess Deaths


Brits Revolt


Global Saline Shortage


Study Vlog -German



Obviously inaccurate. This would be cheered on by the crowd and a daily occurrence. 

Freitag, 2. August 2024

Immigration as Plan to Erode Nation State 

Well after WWII and 1000years of barbarous wars due to slightly differing ethnicities in Europe this could be seen as desirable. A similar goal is followed in Canada so that the French/Angelo divide is overcome. In America everyone marries whoever while in Europe since people are less mobile over many generations, comparatively they are inbred. My kids are 1/4 Irish/English/Russian/German. I get lots of interesting perspective from my wife. If I were 20th generation from a small town in Europe somewhere then certainly less flexibility would be there. Larger countries like Germany have had huge flows of immigration and emigration since centuries and are a bit more robust genetically and able to take lots of new people as they are used to it.

Muslim March in London

Is this Muslim nationalism? What does that mean? Gay Pride parades and such also allowed. However we see what happened at the Olympics was disturbing to many. Will Islam conflict directly with British state or Christianity in the West? Multiculturalism allows us to live in parallel or mix. Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Gays, Atheists(atheist marches never been) and maybe Buddhists, Hindus, witches( at Stonehenge). The controversy now seems that natives feel Muslims are not treated the same and others get a raw deal. Or they fear excessive immigration pushing natives out of cherished neighbourhoods, etc. Or violence in schools, on the streets perhaps. A well behaved(marries a local, wears modern clothing) Chinese neighbour with a Mercedes and a degree might be more acceptable to them than a large Muslim clan with conservative religious values, head scarves, constant marriages in the clan, ghettoization. The idea is that perhaps they are not immigrating as individuals to raise their lifestyle but as a group to take over by high birth rates, immigration, cultural dominance. That they are not interested in the local culture at all. If they were black Caribbean Christians, as many immigrants are in the UK, the locals could be simply bigoted in the traditional sense but not all too worried. However if they hold Western culture, Judeo-Christian, Modernism, democracy as critical then Islam could pose a concrete threat to the state over time in a factual sense. The Spanish reconquista was directed at this. Can Islam become moderate as in Syria, Turkey, Indonesia, Russia or is it all mullahs, sharia? Looking at Egypt, Morocco, we see that the govts. dislike extremists, tolerate moderation. The state is foremost. 10% are Christians in Egypt. However radical tendencies are observed in black Africa with boko Haram or Muslim brotherhood. China is very wary of it's statehood being disturbed. Russia has 15,000,000 Muslims and manages fairly well. Due to language difficulties Westerners are less aware of this. I work with Muslims and never see radical tendencies any more than from my strict Catholic father who never drank, prayed the Rosary and attended mass regularly. I understand the uproar in Europe due to crime, clans, but religion as such is not the problem. It is perhaps the solution.If we return to our religious roots they would respect us and we would respect ourselves and have a sense of right and wrong towards crime on their side and punish it more evenly. Modernism destroys morality and character and family and society. Of course a tight knit Muslim community with a stable culture could easily threaten to destabilize what is already in dissolution. The best way for the British to protest is not on the streets but by filling churches, reading their Bibles, getting their hearts right with God. Only positive action, not negative protest can win. Lead by example. 


Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush - String Quartet


Most Important Explosion


More Russia Vlog


Oxford Tour

My mum's home town and I spent some time there.

Why Not Use Shotguns to Down Drones


Cops Punch Protestors in Face

Likely according to the principle of beating those least likely to resist. IOW avoid no go areas and leave them alone. But arrest law abiding citizens for slightest infringement to show authority. Seems unprincipled and cowardly to me. Just like the judges, the press and the govt. 

Biles Balance Beam

Apparently she is trying holistic choreography

Feminism's Satanic Agenda


Donnerstag, 1. August 2024

Brutal Trans Boxes Women in Olympics

So the opening ceremony was just prelude. They attack Christians and women's rights too.

1000 Years of Fashion


German Govt Minister Far Left Connections

I always thought SPD, like US Democrats and UK Labour were moderates. This sort of thing is disturbing. I heard that Nazis after the war were integrated into CDU, conservative party. Now I hear the same on the other side. We have a choice between pest and cholera.

Somebody that I Used to Know


Munich Hill Outside Eras Concert

Party atmosphere. 

2000 Ukrainian Soldiers Die Daily Last Two Months

Russian War Machine Getting Revved Up. Meat Grinder.

5% of Syrians in Germany, Half on Welfare 

I think a million and a half Ukrainians as well. 

If Iran, Israel, Lebanon start a serious war these numbers could be dwarfed. 

The West provokes wars. We should send trade and diplomats not weapons and military training.

Asylum Crime Problems in Ireland


Meloni in Beijing


Trump at Black Press Convention


BBC Bias


Vance Hated, Kamala Sold on Vibe


Buy Flood Cars?