Mittwoch, 18. September 2024

Dienstag, 17. September 2024

Diddy Arrested as Part of Massive Sex Trafficking Scandal a la Epstein


Why Chernobyl Failed to Kill Wild Boars

Also, they may be populous but nobody will hunt them.

Seattle Red Light District

Legalization, regulation, taxation, protection. Not in stone age America.


How to Know if Someone Can Fight


Post Typhoon Vietnam

At first I thought these were old war photos.

Dresses Like Ancient Greece Fashion


Tracy Chapman - Across the Lines

I read the comments about her 1988 debut album and they feel the same as I do. Listened repeatedly. Still love it.

Strange things Beyond the Universe


The Strangest Roman Ruin in Africa


The Guitar Solo that Helped Launch Rock Music


Kant: Critique of Pure Reason


Alone in Norwegian Wilderness


Montag, 16. September 2024

Milankovitsch Cycles , Where are We Now?


Dutch Asylum Laws Made Strict


Judge Leniency on Teen Criminal Results in More Crime


Surrey Landscape, Devil's Punch Bowl


Pottery Haul, My Job


Shocking Musician Deaths


Comedy of the Year in Theaters - 'Am I Racist?' against race baiters




Trump Shooter(assassin's always with full 3 names)/ Leftists Disappointed


Eugene de Blaas - Venetian Master


Sonntag, 15. September 2024

RT Mocks West




Head of Presidential Debate Commission Shreds ABC Moderators


US Seeks Superweapons to Reign as Sole Superpower


Kamala Blaccent OK or Not?


Eating Cats Popular Hip Hop, new 'let's go Brandon' Meme Against Dems, Kamala can't Interview Intelligently


What We'll Be Like in 1000 Years


Autumnal Reset


Fast Trains for India


Ukraine Invasion Boosts Russian Economy


Samstag, 14. September 2024

ABC News Ethics Breach by Debate Exposed Could End Them

After decades of the mainstream being owned by the CIA this breaks them?

Glenn Greenwald criticizes moderators


Jornada Kamayurá(Portuguese narration of native lifestyle in Amazon)


Comedian Patrice O'Neal on Women


Haitians Eating Cats

Given the post debate Swift endorsement complete with cat and the ensuing backlash against her then this is cat karmic revenge. Her one cat is worth 100 million while normal pets are eaten. This is absolute parallel to Hollywood left wing celebrity riches and everyone else. Kamala likely got massive help prepping, during debate through ear plug audio and by biased moderators. What a loser.  Trump ain't cool. One reads all the articles about how much all those people spend on cosmetics, plastic surgery, super foods and personal trainers while we age prematurely and can't afford basic dental, eye care or basic check ups. Kamala is spoon fed all the correct answers just like in Hollywood. Trump has his own opinions developed over decades of life experience just like the rest of us. My two sons in their early twenties have little life experience but trust those superficial cool types who work for the empire but not for the people. Any physicists or whoever with specific knowledge in their field should stick to that field of knowledge. Clooney's outsized influence is unjustified for example. What does he know about the economic situation, international politics, etc. that should interest us. The first global star, Chaplin, was created by the silver screen. Before that, famous politicians or clergy were important. Entertainers were considered shady, sleazy types. As they were and are.Like used car salesmen. Let the buyer beware. Trump is of course exactly that type but that is a traditional self made politician, not Biden or Harris who came up through the ranks like in the Soviet Union. Swift and such, much to their credit, did the same in their areas of expertise, such as music. 

Eccentric Japanese Punk Rocker Goto Mariko


Snow in the Alps Buries Houses


International Latin Final


What I Wish I Knew When I Started Piano


Freitag, 13. September 2024

Trip Through the Universe(Spanish Language)


Countries People Regret Moving to


Body Painted in Nature


Body Remix - Goldberg Variations


Illegals Occupy Small Town in Ohio


Katy Perry VMAs


Road Prank


Kamala Got Sample Debate Questions


Donnerstag, 12. September 2024

16 Favorite Elon Musk Books


Franco-Prussian War


Unknown Colonial Empires


Songs Inspired by Historic Events


Gymnast Routine


Everything Wrong with the Walking Dead


Thailand Mekong River


On Taylor's Endorsement

All the celebrities, rich journalists, wealthy kids in ivy League can afford to endorse the new Republican globalists( previously working class Dems before Clinton boomer). They live in the bubble of the 1%. They are cool kids in the high school, driving own car to school at 16 and going to a great college, etc. The rest of us are like in the REM song, "don't go back to Rockville, waste another year".

Dienstag, 10. September 2024

Belly Dance


Russia's Battalion Espanola


Dollar Tree Sock DIYs


Inside Cologne Cathedral


Beatrice Flores & Andrei Cerbu Stream Concert


Spain's Huge Greenhouse Farm Area


Most Famous Bookstore in Russia


How Amish Keep Food Cold Without Refrigeration


Montag, 9. September 2024

Rhythmic Chinese Traditional Dance ( Moscow Girls Ensemble)

Unusual, like learning Indian dance abroad. This shows a higher level of cultural exchange and friendship.


Best Countries For Americans to Emigrate to


Rachmaninoff Polyphony


Gdansk Poland Travel Vlog


Fire Drones


Devastated Downtown San Jose


Awakening Shakti


India's Obsession With Virginity


Sonntag, 8. September 2024

Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma from Turandot

Live Tragedies


30 Musicians Who Destroyed their Careers on Stage


Meat Industry Scandals


Provincial Russian Wedding


Mongolian Contortion


Boeing Starliner


Argentina's Economic Revolution


The Emotions that Push Civlization


Russian Bullet Train


Samstag, 7. September 2024

Sun Transits Natal Pluto(for all my age mid1960s born) 

Feeling very intense

MMA Boxer Runs For Irish Presidency


War Report


Shadowguard Full Thriller Movie


Why Do Elites Want to Destroy Europe?


Scariest Anime


William Blake - A Church of One 

PDF Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence 

Higher still than the romantic love, which can be fickle, is the love of God, enduring and stable. 

Taoist Sexuality and the Feminine 

In the end it is a strong current of energy flowing between the two like the grand circuit in Tao which circles from head down the front and up the back. In the sexual case the genitals are connected like in an electric socket but the energy flows from one to the other over the head, back but passes through the connected genitals. This can be without excitement or loss of semen and can last a long time. With practice this might occur without physical contact but just by harmonizing at a distance.

Freitag, 6. September 2024

How Sex Killed Off the Vikings

Without first watching the video I will guess they settled into local conquered communities and became genetically and culturally absorbed.

Why Liberal Order is Collapsing


CIA Plan to Help Ukraine


Pope in Papua New Guinea


Man Died After Surgeon Took Liver by Accident


Why Arabs Lose Wars


Myth of Asian IQ Advantage


Russian Boeing


Donnerstag, 5. September 2024

The Wallace Line - Boundary Between Marsupials, Mammals


Reactivate Telomeres to Prolong Life 

Chinese EV Imports to Shift Global Power

Japanese car imports, also electronics made them rich, respected. China is stuck with low value exports. Local Cars could make the difference and not just transplant factories like Apple made in China for sale in West. If good and cheap EV market could take off.

Lessons From an 80 Year Old for Over 50s

In effect, stay involved, active, optimistic.


Pope Visits Indonesia, Enters Mosque


Old Fashioned Burlesque Striptease from NYC

The whole atmosphere of seedy stage, audience whistling as overdressed, overweight girl undresses bit by bit slowly. Voice of announcer is hoarse, smokes a pack a day. One can imagine old Western films with whores dancing in the saloon between shootouts and cattle rustling. The morality everywhere was the same, big city and small town. 


Twins Secure Synchronized Swimming Gold Medal


Italy Vacation Trailer Park (Russian Language)


Kundalini Yoga Flow

This sort of thing usually solves the negative syndrome of the girl below if done regularly.

Loser Virgin


Rare Solar Event

Totally cool. We don't t just get bombarded by the sun but the earth's magnetic field sends particles to the sun as the two fields gets intertwined in rare event.

Mittwoch, 4. September 2024

Viking Style Woodturning


Jones Town Cult, WWII and Churchill


Why is Pakistan so Inbred?


How Attractive are You?


Bodypainting New York


Musk Could Stop Communication for Brazilian Army


Reset Routine


Orson Wells Film The Third Man 75 Years Anniversary 

Dienstag, 3. September 2024



18 Year Old Daughter Reveals Body Count of 8 on Podcast in Front of Her Father

This shows changing times in general on how one deals with sexuality. Every generation it changes, perceptions of acceptable behavior. I recall reading a short Edda version, Scandinavian prehistorical mythology. Two goddesses and two gods, hanging around chatting in one scene and one was quite slutty, flirty and said something to the other one, who was very shy, chaste who then blushed and got angry at her. Nothing really changes fundamentally.


Classical Indian Dance


Portrait Photography


Orcs in Alps


Bollywood Dance Tutorial(Spanish)


Macron Impeachment?


Jive Solo Step by Step


Montag, 2. September 2024

Beautiful South - Song for Whoever


Artistic Model Shoot


Attempt to Attack Trump


Slam Park Tenerife (Russian language)


Gracie Abrams - Long Sleeves


Pamir Skyroad Towards Afghan Saiyan Corridor


Germany State Election Results


Manta Ritual