Sonntag, 7. Juni 2020

Female Body Image over the years and its results

This article shows how the ideal female has changed from thin to curvy and back again from ancient times to 19th century, 1920s, 50, 80s and recently according to trends, media influences. Anorexia nervosa, obesity, fitness trends all discussed. 

Having recently discussed generational trends I would like to mention that when men have the most power in crisis times and afterwards a curvaceous figure like Marilyn Monroe is favored and when women are more powerful on average a thin figure is favored as in the 20s and 80s. Perhaps nowadays women are maintaining or growing political and dconomic power but need in the cyclical course of history to explore their femininity more and so a Kardashian figure is preferred regardless of who is the main breadwinner at home. The yin-yang cycle of 4 generations seems hardwired into evolution, not just history and the species with role playing between the sexes as a way of integrating new environmental stimuli, like technology, social structures, cultural and religious norms. Sometimes a feminine approach attacks a given problem in society more successfully and sometimes a male approach. At those times everyone will become more tilted in that direction(60s emotionalism, longhaired males, 80s hard driven money oriented both sexes, military look, thin females).

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