Sonntag, 7. Juni 2020

The Discussion Within the Black Community
Candace Owen here talks for 17 minutes about how black criminals are martyred, George Floyd was an unreformed hardened crimnal, how white liberals use this to gain power by getting their votes then leave the blacks poorer after each election and more dependent on welfare as they drove out all the businesses by burning them down and how respectable, law abiding blacks are Uncle Toms but criminal rap music is cool(said in article below actually)

saker article
Here is an immigrant of Russian origin who always writes against the mainstream. He sees it pretty much like Candace. 

So who is right here? Policing is bad and brutal. Criminals are stylized to martyrs. It all looks irrational to me. Minneapolis and other police departments will be disbanned. Criminals will celebrate, gun sales and private security will boom. Perhaps a southern Italian type mafia protection racket or a highly armed neighbourhood watch system will get going. This might be better. If locals watch after their own then it will be better. A neighbourhood committee of elders would know who was on drugs, not working or skipping school and discipline them before they go wrong. If order breaks down it will be reestablished somehow. Russia in the 90s had machine guns shooting in the streets, ask my wife. Putin had a hard hand but is a saviour to them after near starvation. Is America going the same direction?

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