Mittwoch, 30. September 2020

Mars retrograde in Aries

 Mars moves into Taurus on 7th January a couple weeks after Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius. So the new year should have a lighter feel in many ways.

At 4:22 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 9, Mars will come to an apparent halt and begin retrograde motion. 

For just over nine weeks, Mars will appear to move backward in the sky, before stationing again on Nov. 13 and renewing forward motion. Mars is the final planet in the astrological pantheon to go retrograde in 2020, and in many ways is the headliner as Mars retrogrades portend contests of will and crises of personal and collective power. 

Mars spends less time in retrograde motion than any other planet, only about 10 weeks every 27 months, as compared to Pluto which is retrograde roughly 40 percent of the time, or Mercury who turns about face three times per annum. The last Mars retrograde took place over the summer of 2018 in Aquarius, whereas 2019 did not host one at all. 

Mars retrogrades signal times of crisis for the warrior in each of us, and can manifest as times of struggle to accomplish one’s goals, physical lethargy, or feelings of fighting a losing battle. In the collective, Mars retrogrades can herald both major human rights violations and atrocities, but also their rectification in the forms of new legislature or reparitive movements. Mars retrogrades challenge progress of both individual and collective aims, prompting the question, “what is worth fighting for?”

This week’s retrograde takes place in the sign of Aries, which Mars itself governs, and where it can accomplish mission driven tasks and impulsive undertakings easily. Athletic and brazen, it is no accident that Aries is the most martial sign, its significations explicitly battle-oriented. Mars retrogrades in the sign of Aries rarely, an event only occurring three times in the 20th century. These periods saw such significant events as the beginning of the siege of Leningrad, the first experimental use of the gas chambers for mass execution (1941) and the end of the Iran-Iraq war and the execution of 50,000 Kurds (1988). The 1909 retrograde saw the more athletic version of Mars retrograde significations in a controversy over two explorers who each claimed to have been the first man to reach the North pole. 

With many professional sports struggling to navigate both a pandemic and racial unrest, together with a historically volatile election, both the athletic as well as the political and martial significations will play out this fall. 

Part of the heavy-handedness of this retrograde comes from the squares Mars makes to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn  — all in the sign of Capricorn — throughout the period of the retrograde.  Astrologers have attributed many of the challenges faced during 2020 to these three planets and their copresence in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign that represents the establishment, institutions, and those with consolidated political power. One could say that in Capricorn, Saturn is the general of the army and Mars in Aries the star warrior gone rogue. Both are quite powerful, making their positions at cross-purposes quite volatile. 

However extreme previous Mars retrogrades have been, the precedents of humanitarian outcomes should not be ignored. A previous Mars retrograde in Aries that took place in the fall of 1862 saw the bloodiest day in the history of the United States, the Battle of Antietam. The battle, despite crippling Confederate forces, failed to prove a decisive victory for the Union given the cautiousness of General McClellan, a crisis of martial courage indeed, and one that ultimately lost him his post when Mars moved direct that November. 

However, while tactically a draw, the Union was able to claim a strategic victory that turned the tides of the war, giving president Abraham Lincoln the confidence to issue the Emancipation Proclamation that would ultimately free more than 3.5 million slaves. Several years later, during another Mars retrograde in January 1865, the 13th Amendmant would achieve the critical two thirds majority to pass in congress and upon ratification end slavery in the United States. 

Astrology gives us the foresight to maintain emotional equilibrium despite upsets and crises,  personal and collective. But this coveted equilibrium cannot come from a place of avoidance if it is to shift life and society towards a more empowered and just society for all. 

The knowledge of such a transit shows where to throw our collective weight, while warning that progress may be slow and hard.  When looking for examples of this dedication to progressive work, one need only look to the retrograde in the fall of 1941, wherein a politician was born who, though failing to triumph in presidential contests, continues to work toward humanitarian ideals. Happy birthday to senator Bernie Sanders, born Sept. 8, 1941, and best of  luck to all of us during this fall’s Mars retrograde in Aries.

Nodes in Sagittarius and Capricorn : Collective Karma

great talk here, lots of common sense!


Former cult member rates 11 scenes from movies about cults


Wilpower is for losers


Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Get Smart


Short Article Rejuvenation of Regeneration in the Aging Central Nervous System

The article here is only readable by a technical specialist but one gets the gist that old mice and young mice were grafted together so their blood streams coincided and that then the old mice with damaged nerves were healed. The young mice did not age or get damaged. Maybe billionaire oldsters could rent young people to heal them of specific illnesses like multiple sclerosis as shown here in mice by parabiosis. Organ transplants from extra born babies from relatives is weird enough. Here is a field of the future. Pretty creepy but one year for a million could finance college education and a business start up. I will have to stick to diet, fasting, yoga to remain healthy so I don't need this sci- fi weirdness.


Parabiosis involves the surgical joining of the circulation of two individual animals, such that circulating cells, hormones, and cytokines are shared between both animals.

Breathing to younger skin: ‘reversing the molecular mechanism of skin aging with yoga’

 In recent times, the practice of yoga has taken a more mainstream popularity in a fast-paced life. This ancient tradition that has resurfaced has many hidden values, and challenges modern day science to undergo new research and increase understanding of its impact on the body. This article is a commentary aiming to correlate and extrapolate recent evidence-based research on some of the known molecular benefits of yoga, and its possible correlation with skin aging. Yoga is a 5000-year-old ancient Indian way of life, which includes changes in mental attitude, diet and the practice of specific techniques such as yoga asanas (postures), breathing practices (pranayama) and meditation to attain the highest level of consciousness []. The increasingly wide use of these practices has triggered numerous research studies, especially in recent decades, which suggest that yogic/meditative practices have significant positive effects on the mind–body system and thereby can have an effect on overall improved health and quality of life [,]. Skin appearance is a primary indicator of age and, like most organs of the body, undergoes changes over the passage of time []. The molecular and cellular process of skin aging is similar to that occurring in most internal organs and involves slow deterioration in tissue function. The stratum corneum layer might remained unchanged but the overall thickness of the epidermis and dermis is affected in aging skin, with a noted flattening of the dermoepidermal junctions [].

Overview of cellular & molecular skin aging

There is a decreased proliferative capacity of skin cells taken from old donors versus younger individuals – this has been described in a number of studies with keratinocytes [] and fibroblasts []. At the end of their replicative life span, cellular senescence is described as the arrest of cells growth at G1 phase []. Senescent skin fibroblast have increased expression of IL-1 [] and of the EGF-like cytokine heregulin, which modulates the growth and differentiation of breast and other epithelial cells []. Thus, it can be said that the balance between growth and differentiation of overlying epithelial cells is dependent on senescent stromal cells. Cumulative oxidative damage has been shown to play a key role in molecular dysfunction []. For the skin, with its high exposure to environmental agents such as ultraviolet radiation and ozone, cumulative oxidative damage is very relative []. The reactive species lead to damage of lipids, proteins and DNA and also influence cellular senescence []. Once the cells are forced to enter a senescent state, with even low doses of H2O2, the proliferative and differentiation changes described above are seen []. There is a reduction of antioxidant enzymes in skin with age including Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase []. For human skin fibroblasts, senescence results in reduced collagen and increased MMP-1 production. Aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism with the mitochondria generate reactive oxygen species that oxidize cellular constituents thereby impairing cell function []. The aged phenotype results from irreversible cellular damage from the oxidative stress []. Photoaging can be considered as accelerated chronological aging because UV irradiation acutely induces collagen-degrading MMP activities and suppresses collagen production []. Thus, there is collagen degradation noted with UV irradiation leading to chronological aging.

Recent evidence-based, biomolecular effects of yoga

The effects of both yogic postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama) have been shown to be correlated with a downregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system, both of which are known to be overactivated by a western lifestyle [,]. One study investigated possible changes in gene expression induced by the practice of S Kriya and its associated practices (SK&P), which is a comprehensive yoga program including breathing and meditative exercises []. The study included 42 SK&P practitioners and 42 normal healthy controls. RNA was isolated from PBMCs (polymorphonuclear cells), and subjected to RT-PCR analysis with a focus on genes involved in oxidative stress, DNA damage, cell cycle control, aging and apoptosis. In parallel, blood was drawn and subjected to assays to determine glutathione peroxidase levels, SOD activity and glutathione levels. Consistent with a previous study [], glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities and glutathione levels were higher in SK&P practitioners compared with controls. In keeping with these data, glutathione S-transferase mRNA expression was significantly higher in the SK&P group compared with controls []. A similar increase in the SK&P group was observed in the antioxidant genes Cu-Zn and Mn SOD, glutathione peroxidase and catalase []. In addition, expression of the antiapoptotic gene COX-2 and stress response gene HSP-70 were significantly increased in the SK&P group. The antiapoptotic gene BCL-2 and aging-related gene TERT displayed an increasing trend in the SK&P practitioners, but were not significantly altered. Based on these findings the authors suggested that SK&P might trigger an improved antioxidant status, at least in part owing to changes in the expression of the relevant genes, which may translate into better response to environmental stress []. The increased levels of COX-2 and BCL-2 expression were suggested to prolong the lifespan of PBMCs via inhibition of apoptosis, which may lead to better immune functioning and protection from disease []. The analysis of a larger number of genes in the respective pathways is warranted. Changes in the population of NK cells were observed in response to SK&P – the cell population continued to increase over time with continued practice of SK&P [,]. A study exploring the effects of yoga practice on inflammatory markers after moderate and strenuous exercise showed the yoga group to exhibit reduced inflammatory response as evidenced by lower levels of TNF-α and IL-6 [].

Impact on tissue glycation through yoga

Advanced glycation end products (AGE) have recently been shown to play a role in tissue aging []. Their precise role in aging skin is still not clearly understood. As aging happens in each cell of the body, evidence shows an improvement in tissue functioning and improved glucose control with the practice of yoga. Tissue glycation and peripheral glucose control can be influenced by regeneration of cells in the liver and pancreas []. With side stretching and different side body opening postures, it is believed that there is a mechanical tissue stimulation resulting in increased utilization and metabolism of glucose in peripheral tissues, liver and adipose tissues through enzymatic process [,]. With poses that build strength and flexibility in the muscles, enhanced blood flow and insulin receptor expression on the muscles result in increased glucose uptake and hence reduced blood sugar [,]. The improvement in lipid levels after yoga could be due to increased hepatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase at the cellular level, which affects the metabolism of lipoprotein and thus increases uptake of triglycerides by adipose tissues [,]. There is an overall improvement in metabolic functioning of the cells and tissue.

The neurophysiologic effects & antiaging through de-stressing

A known phenomenon is increased wrinkles through constant frowning []. Stress and anxiety have become a normal part of modern existence. There is a need for individuals to adopt a stress-free routine in their schedule. Yoga provides what is often described as a ‘spiritual connection’ and aids in relaxation of the mind and body, reducing and improving overall levels of stress []. The effects of yoga on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal–cortisol axis play an important role in helping patients with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder [].

Conclusion: is yoga the path of discovering a ‘fountain of youth’

The practice of yoga with a ‘yogic attitude’ (patience, persistent practice and realizing the self) one should be able to reduce laziness, anger, delusion and desire for being different or better than others [,]. Through expressing improved self-image and ahimsa (nonviolence to the self) there is an overall improvement in the quality of life and mood of the individual []. The evidences supporting the antioxidant cellular and tissue effects of yoga discovered in the recent decade are intriguing and warrant more studies with a larger population base []. Certain yoga postures such as twisting, binding and certain back-bend positions according to ayurveda are suggested to help proper flow of the prana (‘life force’) and help detox the body []; scientific studies in relation to these theories will shed more light on the esoteric nature of yoga science. Can the antioxidant molecular and cellular benefits of the practice of yoga impact the aging of skin cells? The interesting correlation of insulin regulation and glucose control can be translated to improvement and maybe reversal of the effects on AGE protein accumulation in the body tissue. More biochemical research studies will aid in further exploring this interesting connection. In the above commentary, we hope to draw an extrapolation between the known cellular and molecular changes with yoga and aging skin cells. The author hopes to inspire future research, taking this age-old practice and correlating it to the processes of cellular senescence and dysfunction. For a dynamic organ like the skin, research could also focus on phenotypic and histologic changes resulting from regular yoga and meditative practices in different patient populations, with a view to incorporating a yoga approach into holistic antiaging cosmetic skin rejuvenation.

7 Tips to slow skin aging


What's so bad about gluten?


Dienstag, 29. September 2020

31 logical fallacies in 8 minutes


The Girl from Ipanema - Gertrud Alberto - 1965 / Analysis of Bossa Nova vs Jazz

The girl from Ipanema is weirder than you think

Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes, each one she passes
Goes "a-a-a-h"
When she walks she's like a samba
When she walks, she's like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle
That when she passes, each one she passes
Goes "a-a-a-h"
Oh, but I watch her so sadly
How can I tell her I love her
Yes, I would give my heart gladly
But each day as she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead, not at me
Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes, I smile, but she
Doesn't see. She just doesn't see
No, she just doesn't

A Garota de Ipanema / The Girl from Ipanema

Olha, que coisa mais linda,
Mais cheia de graça,
É ela, menina, que vem e que passa,
Num doce balanço, a caminho do mar.

Moça do corpo dourado,
Do sol de Ipanema,
O seu balançado
É mais que um poema
É a coisa mais linda
Que eu já vi passar

Ah, por que estou tão sozinho?
Ah, por que tudo é tão triste?
Ah, a beleza que existe
A beleza que não é só minha,
Que também passa sozinha.

Ah, se ela soubesse
Que quando ela passa,
O mundo sorrindo
Se enche de graça
E fica mais lindo
Por causa do amor.

Look, such a sight, so beautiful,
So filled with grace,
It;s her, this girl who comes and who passes,
With a sweet swing, on her way to the sea.

Girl with body of gold
From the sun of Ipamena,
Her swing
Is more than a poem,
Is a sight more beautiful
Than I have ever seen pass by.

Ah, why am I so alone?
Why is there so much sadness?
This beauty that exists,
This beauty that is not only mine,
That also passes by alone.

Ah, if she but knew,
That when she passes by,
The world smiles,
Is filled with grace,
And becomes more beautiful,
Because of love.


Ancient Rome Reconstructed


Top 10 places to see in Scandinavia


Mongoliian Music - Boerte - Gobi


Iceland reforesting after 1000 years


Samstag, 26. September 2020

Genius Diet book and intermittent fasting

 I have done intermittent fasting for 3 weeks with good results. This brings down blood sugar, food cravings vicious cycle, mood swings. Genius Foods by Lugavere explains more on this. Since agriculture we eat lots of grains( bread, rice, noodles). And since recent decades stores have fresh fruit year round. This is usually very sweet upping our blood sugar for one orange for example by six times normal rate for hours afterwards. This is balanced a bit by roughage in the fruit but apple or orange juice are of course really bad and pasta, lots of bread, even oatmeal does same thing. He says avocados, olives, grapefruit, dark green lettuce, carrots, celery,  very dark chocolate, bell peppers, eggs, nuts, almonds, fish, grass fed beef, pasture cow butter are good. So a big salad with olive oil or avocado, an omelette for breakfast, eat alaska salmon, sardines  and grass fed beef and avoid sweet fruits, grains except when about to do heavy sports to work it off. When I have eaten up my oranges, pears and oats I will try perhaps omelettes for breakfast with paprika, onions and instead of iceberg lettuce( useless he says ) I will get something darker or spinach, cabbage as he recommends. Grapefruit is supposed to be ok as well as limes and lemons too. I make my own kefir. He reccomends probiotics saying that this reduce bipolar disorder, mood swings in scientific study control group. Kefir is similar but plain milk is not good he says. This is not a high ketone (fat) diet he emphasizes but an anti- aging, high brain/ mental performance diet. He reccomends intermittent fasting as latest emerging positive trend. I have done yoga for years and thought eating nonprocessed foods, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables was sufficient. Back in the 70s, 80s processed, fast foods were ok and sodas. Before that smoking was deemed ok. We keep learning. Vegans, vegetarians probably gorge on fruits, grains and get mental fog, mood swings, cell aging. We evolved on wild game, fish, roots he says and did not eat every few hours so reincorporating these facts could help us feel better. I think of tens of millions on antidepressants who drink coke, eat at mcdonalds. But now I look at my own patterns as just as suboptimal even though a bit better. If you are a vegan look at the theory, reasoning again ( Politically correct, social pressure?) and try to find a balance if you feel emotional problems or physical problems. I am no ideologue in religion or politics and listen to any old music, can tolerate any religious tradition. In effect I want to be open minded, like in scientific method, to newest evidence and adjust. Maybe in ten years vegan fad will be gone and another will replace it as evidence mounts to moderate our views. 

PBS Report about the ' Doomsday Glacier' (Thwaites)

 several decades till collapse then this allows a steady rise of several meters just from West Antarctic not to mention Greenland. Say goodbye beachfront property. Grandkids should not count on inheriting that property when parents die in 50 years.

Hadid has baby girl / How deep is your Love (CalvinHarris and the Disciples)

I first became aware of Gigi through the music video below 5 years ago when she was just 20.  I was in the beginning throes of a hard kundalini awakening phase in which I all too easily fell in love and this song spoke to me. I used to see models, pretty women in general I suppose, as superficial, if not dumb blondes, but now I appreciate the special beauty in every female through a special contact energetically that can go quite deep, be even painful as in the Police song below. I keep growing in leaps and bounds and I hope it is not too stressful for some. I understand and will try to refrain from attention. This is like the midas touch where everything turns to gold, but then he touched his beloved daughter!!! 


The Police - King of Pain ( Synchronicity - 1984)

I saw a news story about a ' little black spot on the sun today' just now which brought this back.

 There's a little black spot on the sun today

It's the same old thing as yesterday
There's a black hat caught in the high tree top
There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop
I have stood here before inside the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain
I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign
But it's my destiny to be the king of pain

There's a little black spot on the sun today, that's my soul up there
It's the same old thing as yesterday, that's my soul up there
There's a black hat caught in a high tree top, that's my soul up there
There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop, that's my soul up there
I have stood here before inside the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain
I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign
But it's my destiny to be the king of pain
There's a fossil that's trapped in a high cliff wall, that's my soul up there
There's a dead salmon frozen in a waterfall, that's my soul up there
There's a blue whale beached by a springtide's ebb, that's my soul up there
There's a butterfly trapped in a spider's web, that's my soul up there
I have stood here before inside the pouring rain

With the world turning circles running 'round my brain
I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign
But it's my destiny to be the king of pain
There's a king on a throne with his eyes torn out
There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt
There's a rich man sleeping on a golden bed
There's a skeleton choking on a crust of bread
There's a red fox torn by a huntmen's pack, that's my soul up there
There's a black winged gull with a broken back, that's my soul up there
There's a little black spot on the sun today
It's the same old thing as yesterday
I have stood here before inside the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain
I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign
But it's my destiny to be the king of pain
King of pain
King of pain, king of pain, I always be king of pain

Donnerstag, 24. September 2020

Lost Ancient Super Civilizations


Borneo's Pygmy Elephants


The North Atlantic Mystery Spot


What's wrong with earth's magnetic core?


This shamanic practice will help heal childhood trauma( soul loss/ spiritual dissociation)


Regenerative Agriculture(parts 1 and 2)


Climate Change : How to Survive past 2050


New Zealand at Center of big power play




Dienstag, 22. September 2020

Ancient DNA in Britain/Europe


Mozart - Lacrimosa


One of the comments said it was Mozart's last piece and he cried while hearing it performed on his deathbed. 

"This was written for Mozart’s Requiem. It is the prayer for a dying man, and for God to take mercy upon him. It is rumored to have been the last piece Mozart had ever written, and he wept as it was rehearsed to him on his deathbed. When it’s used in movies or even commercials, it is never given the context or reverence it deserves. Truly one of the most beautiful laments ever written." nick cline commentary

Humpback Whale gives show after being rescued


Romeo and Juliet - The Dance of the Knights(Royal Opera)


Lyre Gauloise - Tan - Atelier Skald - The Song of Times


10 ways to have a better conversation


The reason for almost all mental illnesses - Prof Jordan Peterson


Mittwoch, 16. September 2020

Africa before the Europeans


Scots-Irish Musical Legacy in the USA


Opa Tsupa : Mama Mia


The Irish in Australia


Interdimensional Temple Dance


Hitchcock - Rebecca (1940)

Nice old suspense thriller. Had the day off and watched this. I suppose netflix series is how people waste their spare time but with so much old films and documentaries and such for free why just seek the newest thing. Youtube is like going into a huge old library to browse. 


Two Guitars - Russian Gypsy Music


The Irish in America


Irish Famine 1847

 longer documentary

Born dropped out


Montag, 14. September 2020

Emotional Mastery of Unpleasant Feelings, being in the Moment


Audrey Hepburn Docu


Leopard with baby Impala


Vous les Femmes

 mini sitcom sketches in French with some subtitles - women's humour

lots of episodes at the link - die laughing!

Hello Fears day 77/100 - Posing nude for a drawing class

How to get rid of fears in 100 days

Caro! Burnett Show (1975) with Cher : As the Stomach Turns

 I must have seem this live as a 10 year old and all the sexual innuendo (every 2nd line) went over my head. That is how they used to do ',family sitcoms' while making it highly sexual, everything imagined.

Samstag, 12. September 2020

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?

 ideal marriage

I don't recall having ever watched this through before. Really cathartic. Excellent theater, acting. I think one needs certain experiences to get it. Age brings maturity and marriage is actually all about brutally tearing into one another, loving one another, learning each other' s games again and again and growing beyond all that. Mutual therapy. Films nowadays are just superhero nonsense. We expect perfection, ease in life. Maybe all the distractions. No TV here or radio or anything except the car and jukebox. Mid sixties this couple was perhaps 10 years older than my parents or 5 years. so similar attitudes. Woman with degree but no career and a housewife and children as life fulfillment therefore. Maybe less important for a double income couple being busy to have kids nowadays and maybe when the partner gets too psycho one bails out of the relationship instead of just playing along, learning to manage the otner person' s inner mental illnesses from childhood traumas. I take this sort of hate and pain, as did my parents and just laugh. That''s life. That's marriage. Like some job that has its ups and downs over many years. But you don't see portrayals of natural situations like this nowadays. 

The Birth of Civilization : The First Farmers ( 20,000 - 8000 bc)


Who causes climate change? 

Singing Bowls for Bedtime


A Test to find out if you' re a good person


Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies

the video is a bit old but here is an article from april 2020


Sound Therapy for Anxiety and Stress


Neurosomatics/Bioenergetic Therapy


Steely Dan - Do it Again


Parenting Advice


Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life (Genius Living)

 the last video highly reccomended this book

New York Times Bestseller

Discover the critical link between your brain and the food you eat and change the way your brain ages, in this cutting-edge, practical guide to eliminating brain fog, optimizing brain health, and achieving peak mental performance from media personality and leading voice in health Max Lugavere.

After his mother was diagnosed with a mysterious form of dementia, Max Lugavere put his successful media career on hold to learn everything he could about brain health and performance. For the better half of a decade, he consumed the most up-to-date scientific research, talked to dozens of leading scientists and clinicians around the world, and visited the country’s best neurology departments—all in the hopes of understanding his mother’s condition.

Now, in Genius Foods, Lugavere presents a comprehensive guide to brain optimization. He uncovers the stunning link between our dietary and lifestyle choices and our brain functions, revealing how the foods you eat directly affect your ability to focus, learn, remember, create, analyze new ideas, and maintain a balanced mood.

Weaving together pioneering research on dementia prevention, cognitive optimization, and nutritional psychiatry, Lugavere distills groundbreaking science into actionable lifestyle changes. He shares invaluable insights into how to improve your brain power, including

  • the nutrients that can boost your memory and improve mental clarity (and where to find them);
  • the foods and tactics that can energize and rejuvenate your brain, no matter your age;
  • a brain-boosting fat-loss method so powerful it has been called “biochemical liposuction”; and
  • the foods that can improve your happiness, both now and for the long term.

With Genius Foods, Lugavere offers a cutting-edge yet practical road map to eliminating brain fog and optimizing the brain’s health and performance today—and decades into the future.

Dementia is Preventable through Lifestyle

my dad and his mother got that in old age so I will be learning about this and eating fish, more eggs than already and avocados. My intermittent fasting is already in the program and I think my labouring job is like cardio and muscle training togethr.

Why Muscle is Key for Longevity


7 Different types of fasts