Samstag, 26. September 2020

Genius Diet book and intermittent fasting

 I have done intermittent fasting for 3 weeks with good results. This brings down blood sugar, food cravings vicious cycle, mood swings. Genius Foods by Lugavere explains more on this. Since agriculture we eat lots of grains( bread, rice, noodles). And since recent decades stores have fresh fruit year round. This is usually very sweet upping our blood sugar for one orange for example by six times normal rate for hours afterwards. This is balanced a bit by roughage in the fruit but apple or orange juice are of course really bad and pasta, lots of bread, even oatmeal does same thing. He says avocados, olives, grapefruit, dark green lettuce, carrots, celery,  very dark chocolate, bell peppers, eggs, nuts, almonds, fish, grass fed beef, pasture cow butter are good. So a big salad with olive oil or avocado, an omelette for breakfast, eat alaska salmon, sardines  and grass fed beef and avoid sweet fruits, grains except when about to do heavy sports to work it off. When I have eaten up my oranges, pears and oats I will try perhaps omelettes for breakfast with paprika, onions and instead of iceberg lettuce( useless he says ) I will get something darker or spinach, cabbage as he recommends. Grapefruit is supposed to be ok as well as limes and lemons too. I make my own kefir. He reccomends probiotics saying that this reduce bipolar disorder, mood swings in scientific study control group. Kefir is similar but plain milk is not good he says. This is not a high ketone (fat) diet he emphasizes but an anti- aging, high brain/ mental performance diet. He reccomends intermittent fasting as latest emerging positive trend. I have done yoga for years and thought eating nonprocessed foods, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables was sufficient. Back in the 70s, 80s processed, fast foods were ok and sodas. Before that smoking was deemed ok. We keep learning. Vegans, vegetarians probably gorge on fruits, grains and get mental fog, mood swings, cell aging. We evolved on wild game, fish, roots he says and did not eat every few hours so reincorporating these facts could help us feel better. I think of tens of millions on antidepressants who drink coke, eat at mcdonalds. But now I look at my own patterns as just as suboptimal even though a bit better. If you are a vegan look at the theory, reasoning again ( Politically correct, social pressure?) and try to find a balance if you feel emotional problems or physical problems. I am no ideologue in religion or politics and listen to any old music, can tolerate any religious tradition. In effect I want to be open minded, like in scientific method, to newest evidence and adjust. Maybe in ten years vegan fad will be gone and another will replace it as evidence mounts to moderate our views. 

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