Sonntag, 1. November 2020

Mastery of energy and other body sheaths

 I watch posts of people analyzing or doing things and discussing activities, topics. Instagrammers show yoga asanas and progress in that. This is a physical phenomena clearly measured. Lots of things fit into that category like environmental recovery, technical progress, or inner body functions like blood flow. On the mental side there are thought patterns, ideas, memes. One saying goes ' standing on the shoulders of giants'. meaning that one set of ideas builds up from another. This is entirely abstract but still measurable in increasing complexity. In yoga one talks of various bodies or ' koshas', physical, energy, mental bodies. The physical and mental body are favorites of the person with low social skills, usually male, as they can easily define, measure, learn and control these phenomena to acheive an effect, eventually gain career skills for survival. The energy body on the other hand is our emotional states. This is interactive with others and our inner states. We cannot control easily the dynamics with others and our subconscious states and memories which drive us on based on such things as childhood anger and shame based on family relationships that simply repeat in a looping manner throughout life unconsciously. Since I started in on kriya yoga I have noticed a distinct energy flow through the body which can be somewhat mastered, controlled, increased and aids in mastery of emotions and subconscious. Mastery of this is of course an art form or a sport and not a science. Clearly volume and flow through chakras, muscles, limbs increases over time and influenced by events, relationships, moods, sport, music, meditation, reading which all stimulate emotions. The advantage of having distinct high feeling of energy coupled with moods and being able to control the feedback between the two is similar to any sports, intellectual, engineering or scientific endeavour. In the dating instructional video below the instructor 'James' has lots of explaining to give the workshop participants about dealing with female pickups, nticing how their approach to the situation changes the mood and increases their success rate. Similarly we can imagine the energy body when highly activated in terms of kundalini as being highly sensitive, much like the female pickups. Our anima( subconscious feminine part) is being activated, sensitized. We must learn to fall in love with the world around us and how its various aspects react towards our anima or energy body. The buddha body I have not discussed as I am uncertain of this. Of course if well trained in physical and mental arts we can train brain and body. Emotions seem to overlap body and brain however, motivating our actions. We might be ideologically committed to something but there are emotional reasons in reality. Sports or physical positions are meaningless without feelings gained by actions or possessions oof these. Typically religion lands on the saying that ' God is Love' meaning that heart centered action is central to existence in daily life. Emotions predominate as the heart has the largest magnetic field. One has feelings of course in the whole body like pain and pleasure. From sex, anger, love, creativity, insight or enlightenment as we climb up the chakra ladder from below. The greater the energies in each chakra the better the results. Self confidence as a whole comes with holistic experience on the physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Practice makes perfect.

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