Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2020

Joe Rogan interviews Miley Cyrus on drugs/media - Sept. 2020

Interesting to see what some of these young media stars are about. I have been out of the loop on pop music since like 30 years. Nothing much seems to have changed. Weed, alcohol, lying press. As always, onstage image not real. If the act is real either the singer is boring or doing lots of drugs. I remember film of the Who breaking up guitars on stage. 60s, early 70s - good ole days of real insanity and overdosing stars. I wax nostalgic over boomer's bad trip as if I didn' t grow up hating their generation and never got into the next generation or their music, total life disconnect except a couple years in high school , college watching MTV or listening to records, walkman with Prince, REM, Madonna, and some old 70s, 60s stuff then almost zero interest in pop music, movies, culture for a long time ( children' s pixar movies with kids in my 30s). How time flies. I read all 7 Harry Potter books cause my kids did. This yoga hindu religion is hard because pop music and films run in background of my head and Christmas and Easter and none of the Indian music, celebrations. That has advantages as you gotta really like it and mean it. It ain't just a routine of ritual like Christmas tree and turkey or church on Sunday. So when it gets good then it is really good for me and screw anybody else because only I count. I read a book about buddhism by a dutch guy. He talked about buddhist monastery monks in Japan and mentioned how women would circle the monastery teasing them, slipping in notes and one monk hung himself, left a message saying how he wanted to marry. Another story I recall about two guys from America went to Japan to learn Zen and they were treated rigorously while for the Japanese it was just a career path. The solutions to the standard koan riddles could all be found by them in cheat books instead of meditating for hours. I recall the story about how at the height of the zen movement there the monks were admired by the women, like pop stars with animal magnetism. I can understand that from personal experience and know why but I guess that all got lost over time in institutional nonsense. Jesus Christ Superstar and all that going over to boring Roman mass ritual, fall asleep in the pew. Pop music is supposed to keep that spirit alive, keep people moving, feeling. Real art of any sort or true religious experience should do that. Traditional drug use was done in a ritual manner by shamans to awaken us and not just to get stoned habitually so the discussion here in the video is pretty sensible overall. I wonder if we could get back to some sort of sensible mixture of cultural and spiritual things that enliven us and don' t just destroy or deaden us like loud music or boring preaching. I just take what messages I find coincidentally around me everyday to keep up my mood in terms of music, etc and discipline myself with a good routine. The older one gets the stricter the routine so you don' t go downhill. The air at the top is thin so you gotta be really disciplined near the end of the climb. 

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