Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2020

Joss Stone - Son of a Preacher Man

I went to a pentecostal church for several years growing up so I understand this. Preacher' s kids can be trained, cynical in manipulative arts and very sexualized as well. Things get passed on and increased. My kids are like us but even more so in certain distinctive ways( more intelligent or shy for example). This is the most exciting thing in genetics and parenthood, the lack of control over the product. Never having kids is boring I suppose. From my catholic upbringing this song would be incomprehensible. So I havs some multicultural background in my upbringing from various strains and backgrounds dipping in from Ireland catholics English protestant, fundamentalists, Russian( wife) and hindu/tai chi ownexperience. Now I am trying to understand more recent culture as my kids and their generation listen to modern pop, comedians, see films and I have to keep up to date through youtube mostly as it is cheap. My Dad listened to country and my Mom to classical on the radio. Odd combination but why not? Generally more worrying is the theories about third generation in successful families. First generation goes great, second rides on coattails and third is unsuccessful. Trump sr., The Donald and perhaps that youngster in the penthouse. Or Kirk Douglas a true great, Michael Douglas who became great and then his son who used drugs and landed in jail. Success is uneven. In history of Arab countries I read that this was typical for merchant families but in the case of scholarly families success was much more even. I see that in my family as well. Teaching and acquiring book learning over a lifetime, passing it on from generation to generation is a very steady business whereas riches and fame or business success are very hard to grasp and hold onto. Learn Shakespeare, writing poetry, physics or mathematics in your study. These hold you for a lifetime like religious studies and do not destroy you emotionally, socially. 

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