Sonntag, 7. Februar 2021

Sivananda - Method of Converting Sexual Energy into Spiritial Energy or Ojas

I find this a very useful topic. Contacts between the sexes can be highly energizing in comparison to almost any other spiritual practice. To use the energy  only for spiritual growth is very important. Dissipation in general in any field leads  in a downward spiral. I am thankful for the yogic techniques which allow to sense my chakras and those of others so that such energy can be accumulated in a positive and rational manner. In the normal course of life a non yogi will rarely sense deeply another's energy, cupid's bow, and this will lead down the usual path. A yogi might learn to sense energy during meditation, from nature, from the opposite sex and learn to manipulate and direct this energy accordingly. Obviously if I sense one's aura in the heart or elsewhere then a surge of feelings will ensue and similar mental states and body motions can be mimicked temporarily. So we get to know people deeply and quickly wordless and without physical contact. This happens often involuntarily due to proximity over time and is felt mutually. Bothersome for the nonyogi, it takes accustoming. For the yogi it is a problem to live with.  The discussions I find on Brahmacharya, celibacy and ojas are dissatisfying to me as they do not mention this problem I have encountered as likely overly delicate, controversial and rare. The average beginner in spiritual practice fights his normal tendency to appreciate the opposite sex, perhaps curiously watch nudes or pornography for entertainment and feels guilt, shame, embarrassment. This dissipates over time as physical attraction is superseded by that for the unseen energy body , which can supercharge our own into states of bliss. I have read of sitting before gurus and falling into states of deep trance or of being touched on the head or chest and acheiving enlightened states. The average person' s contact, like hugging a tree or a pet, naturally does not achieve such supernatural states but cumulatively over years collecting such energies, as through much meditation, deepens the capacity of the energy body to maintain states. The heart is like a muscle which learns to love more from loving others. The throat chakra learns creativity, the third eye wisdom and the lower chakras steadfastness, control of anger and lust feelings. Religious precepts to isolate ourselves to achieve holiness are impractical in the modern world. We must practice judgement. Slowly as we become more controlled, strengthened and purified of past neurotic behaviors, bad memories then energy body spirituality will dominate over physical neccessity. Young people obviously desire to have tried out various relationships on a physical level. After having lived in a long term relationship with children however, the physical act of sexual union becomes routine and spirituality appears as a much higher level of existence. A negative correlation might be made between eating a plant, say chewing coca leaves and taking cocaine. Concentrated spirituality, controlled is however very healthy unlike drug consume. Extracts are more concentrated just as the body is coarse and its substance, like heat from coals, is more intense. I know some practice in tantric groups or use such techniques with their partners. This may be likely very effective if both partners are active yogis using intensive kundalini breathing techniques so that the growth path is mutual. Most yogis are however female middle class while their men do other sports or none and the rare couple practice yoga together much less meditation and deep, transformative breathwork. Mostly, as I have read, yoga studios are even forbidden to mention spirituality. It is treated as sport, among many other offers in a general fitness studio. Religious proselityzing is discouraged. So we defang yoga from its hinduistic roots. Apparently Constantine the Great did the same with Christianity as it becames the official religion of the Roman Empire. There certainly must have been a reason people followed Jesus in hordes. Perhaps he had miracle powers through special yogic type techniques he trained his disciples in but which were watered down each generation and finally forgotten. Each century brings forth a spiritual revival which becomes controversial afterwards due to ideological differences. Pentecostal holy roolers spoke in tongues while seances were held, Jesus freaks and yogi ashrams competed in the 60s and 70s. The aftermath were the religious and cultural divide we now observe although the basic human substrate is the same. In 20 years this will recur but Asian spirituality will be fairly universal so the depth of this experience will be greater for the average man. As I consider my own depth of experience and see that I never went on an Indian pilgrimage or met any Indian gurus even once then I imagine a deep rooted Western East/ Southern Asian experience will blossom to compete with India and rejuvenate ossified Christianity ( Catholic and Protestant).

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