Dienstag, 9. Februar 2021

Spirituality vs sexuality inrelationship

 I know that one is often tired from work and not prepared for romance in a partnership. Either the one or the other partner is unable to really perform well or has no real mood. Synchronizing this is easier on weekends, vacations. One also grows and changes over time and the whole context of the relationship and all the social contacts, work/ down time schedule has to be considered and readjusted accordingly if expectations are not being met. Much the same is true in deeper spiritual commitments where feelings of love flow sometimes effortlessly, other times it stops. I grow constantly, meditate, work, do yoga, have many contacts and my energy body adjusts, changes a great deal. I wonder, reading spiritual literature if it. is correct to share this energy, it being somehow lustful, immoral in a traditional sense. I should focus on God, an icon, scriptures. My path seems somewhat tantric and I believe since most of my spiritual growth has come this way that God has planned it that way. Certain boundaries must be respected and everything must be consensual. Jesus said you have committed adultery in your heart by looking at a woman to lust upon her. My whole body lusts continually spiritually. Meditating this morning the energy went deeper into shoulders, hips, throat. Heat is increasing, deepening in torso. Then I can exchange more with others. Without growth I can' t give of myself, it all being an upward spiral. Just as sex life gets dull when routined, so does spiritual growth exchanges. The deeper it gets, perhaps the more patience and own energy, discipline we must develop. 

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