Donnerstag, 11. März 2021

Devotional Practice

 I started a few days ago with kechari mudra at work. I had gotten used to doing this in meditation for 45 minutes daily but tried it out longer. By yesterday it got mote relaxed. The tongue tickles easily back of throat which becomes very sensitive in its entirety and by slightest touch of tongue becomes awakened, transmitting energy up and down along its length. I also started yesterday with a mental mantra at same time with kecharui muddra. After some hours this got ecstatic and got energy flowing everywhere in the body( chakras react to various words in mantra). Like getting to know people, a mantra brings one in alignment with a being the mantra was made for, resonate with them. This morning I noticed the effect of more quiet after my meditation, thoughts are less insistent. This is sort of bliss. Initially kechari is difficult, requiring concentration, like a difficult asana, splits or so with intense nasal breathing, but after a while sitting still in such an asana or doing kechari brings peacefulness as it stimulates energy flows between various chakras. The mantra concentration is then similar to music one always sings in head.  Songs sung in head to oneself also hit a climax of ecstasy when concentrated on with devotion, perhaps an old childhood favourite as I recalled having sung and danced in an earlier posting. Acheiving bliss and quietening of thoughts, slowing them, can be quite deliberate act, but take hours at first to acheive. When one works on this state enough every day then it becomes simple habit. One becomes a holy idiot. One becomes one with a devotional object. 

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