Montag, 12. April 2021

Dream lucidity and speculation.

 Couldn't sleep a couple hours long in middle of night and when I finally slept a half hour before getting up it was a semilucid dream of being at home with the family but in a different house, all green. I asked my wife, who said that I was dreaming. I got back to looking for something(things always get lost in dreams) and after a while I noticed how odd this green house was and asked her if I was still dreaming. She said yes. A couple minutes later I considered this and decided to open my eyes to wake up, seeing the light blue wall.  The difference in this dream from before is that my conscious awareness was slower, more controlled. I think that the meditation is slowly changing my brainwaves and my whole etheric body so it can move through dreamspace in a controlled, conscious manner more easily. I don' t want to practice lucidity on purpose or do OBEs. I prefer to have things like that naturally occur as a side effect of my general progress. Supposing for example that my wife was dreaming with me and maybe remembers the conversation or circumstances? These types of details would be interesting. If this could be repeated with other people. Is that telepathy or is dreamspace somewhere else technically where people can met or is it all in one person' s mind blocked off from others?

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