Samstag, 10. April 2021

Hindu Temple Worship

I use various symbols, pictures and have a stone lingam. Generally I am not very consistent in using these articles however. My screen saver is an Om symbol. My lingam gathers dust. What a poor culture! However my Babaji picture hangs in my room and I hope and presume that he is living just like I am in the himalayas , born 30the Nov, 203 A. D. I suppose this supposition of his picture, being a photo likeness and that he really lives gives me a better connection emotionally. I have earlier made posts on how I got lots of energy by reading texts by saints, such as Savitri, Tirumandiram or Ramana Maharshi's writings. I can feel a buzz through my body. Similarly with living people or through their photos, particularly eye contact connects directs directly to their brain and central nervous system giving us their energy. Each human is unique as the star and planetary constellation under which they are born is not repeatable. A planetary constellation might repeat in a million years but together with the background stars this will be unique and this symbolism is the unique energy of God encased in the individual. When we feel that energy through their eyes then we are sensing this form of divinity existing in the whole universe at that moment in time when the person was born. I have gotten used to feeling people generally like this, so bypassing logical argument and getting used to people instead of being rather mental and autistic but rather naturallly behaving in groups in a social dynamic as energy flows between people through their hearts and through visual contact and sound of voices through the ears. In this way I also absorb energy from Babaji' s picture just like other people' s. People can have lots of energy and if we work actively on our energy body then our own body becomes suffused with energy. Gradually we can mimic other's actions, voices, etc. as we feel them better. I had a couple days ago quite a long and deep energy experience from my Babaji portrait which penetrates my whole body. I feel or suppose that this is more important than the experience of the average individual's energy as Babaji has much deeper contact with divinity and more experience. I feel that the deeper my energy experience then the more I feel Babaji' s energy filling in mine where I have opened channels. But also this darshan has its own particular aspect which expands and stabilizes my awareness. Up until now I have noticed that my main focus was on the feminine divine aspect, perhaps as a male and having been much closer to my mother I have been reluctant to worship or get close to a male guru. I felt after this experience a couple days ago then much more relaxed with myself as a male, patient and interested in my wife, who I often find otherwise difficult, and comfortable now with an unruly teenage son with whom I have always had a very difficult relationship. So I presume that my dysfunctional male line, going back generations, weak and indecisive father, grandfathers have formed me, with mothers, grandmothers being over dominant and then brother siblings and myself absorbing dysfunctional emotional, sexual behaviour. So opening myself emotionally to Babaji' s holistic and stable masculinity as a friend, father, guru figure enables me to heal dysfunctionalities programmed over many generations, almost genetically in my family line to create a yin yang balance. Everyone can look at a male or female figure in popular culture and see their excessive behaviour related to yin yang imbalance. Prince, Madonna, Freddie Mercury, Trump. Only Obama Gerald Ford, the most boring and nice of Presidents seem to offer no oddities. Perhaps being boring, nonneurotic is the best, healthiest way but it might take lots of personal emotional work to get there and be anything but normal as we all careen off into strange individualistic madness which grows even stranger in our children and theirs in a sort of negative evolution into freaks of nature and weird subcultures. So worship of deities and standard religions can bring us back to a balance of yin and yang and of basic healthy personality generally.

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