Samstag, 3. April 2021

Love, Sex, Marriage, Longevity, Health Research lengthens lifespan)

Yoga has helped my health and obviously this includes better blood flow to lower regions which helps the marriage relationship and a better heart helps dealing with stress at home and work generally. It is like Jesus said, " the rich get richer, the poor get poorer". A healthy body brings a positive upward spiral of benefits. If you are healthy then you can manage stress and cope with relationships successfully. Giving love leads to receiving love. This gives an emotional boost to the heart and sex organs which improves heart function as they work in tandem. Whether or not one needs younger partners as in the Danish study to remain young is a good question or just use viagra as in the Swedish study. Comparing people doing various types of sport ( aerobc, weightlifting, yoga, tai chi) and heart disease, erectile problems, marriage haopiness, fidelity would be an interesting study not just social or educational levels. Some of these things coincide. Lower educated people will have hard physical jobs, smoke and maybe do weight lifting more than say a college educated vegan , white collar yogi. 

At any rate yoga and physical work go hand in hand in keeping me fit (alone yoga is not enough and wear and tear effects one greatly without stretching in a physical job) and intellectual curiosity helps me advance by finding new techniques for improvement in sport, diet and brain stimulation generally(delay of dementia). Super healthiness in all these areas is aided greatly by light romantic which keeps one a step away from the monotony of the daily drudge of boredom and to living in the moment like a young person in love. Although entirely impractical, being in love is a great boost to actual mental and physical health on a daily basis. I am a dreamer with Venus in Pisces and fall in love all too easily. I am of corse not taken seriously in general in this regard and see it as a weakness myself of habit and character.OTOH this weakness when applied in a controlled and systematic fashion( like meditation or yoga) can prolong life by increasing body function, emotional stability. I recall that skyscrapers must wobble and sway quite a bit in the wind or they will snap. Similarly humans must deal with systematic vagaries of their personality( food, alcohol, intellectual, emotional indulgences).

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