Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2021

Assortative Dating: Who you find hot is based on how hot you are

End result: very attractives care moreabout looks while less attractives focus on personality and behavior. I certainly was never into dating, no websites back then with loads of mates so I guess one just meets the few one does and in general develops rapport. I think this internet dating culture is a social disease. It sorts people in every way which is very unhealthy. One becomes overaware of superficial attributes of body which are less important after you know somebody personally for awhile. For job searches oit also hypes looks, making this a prioroity. Better looks, better earnings. I posted lots of music from 60s, 70s. Steely Dan and others would be unacceptable nowadays. Have to be a cute " boy group" from 80s or later after MTV. So quality pool of artists has been highly reduced duento marketing. Obviously the same is happening to the gene pool if such BS thinking is taken seriously as this guy is spouting here. This is quite sad. Super attractiveness is a disadvantage for women as they get too much attention and can' t develop intelligence, personality and become egotistical. Looks can be a super negative. 

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