Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2021

Be With Tree Energy

I am posting this because of the large amounts of energy I got from trees hugging going by on my bike on the way home yesterday and the spontaneous groundimg I perceived after meditation and sitting with my tablett this morning. This meditation routine where the energy flows downward like a spiral motion and I warm up to a sweat is easy now and routine. I thought of all that tree energy and our meditation postures. We are told to " sit still like a mountain" and similar. Trees earth is. We get on earth frequency My heart got energy from the trees, not just a hand and muscle buzz or flow. This is getting to be substantial and life changing like with people to people contact. Perhaps this type of energy flow in meditation is similar to how trees " feel" literally their flow of energy from crown to roots. They are also much larger than mammals. I feel people's energy and those in my size are easier. I suspect heart and muscle siize makes a difference. I have spooked a horse riding with my son on vacation before by playing with her energy. It was funny. Burds and cats can be easily felt by just looking at them a bit. I must try zoo elephants. I worry such large energy from them would shock me. At any rate tree energy grows and stabilizes our aura. I would suppose it reduces our sickness likeliness. improves our health. We say sport, socializing, even sex is healthy. Tuning in to nature must be so. If you live near trees and develop a rapport then hugging is not necessary. After a while you can just look at the tree and absorb its energy through your eyes, which are very good for this purpose. While sleeping your energy body expands greatly and relaxes allowing energy to !ix with the environment. If you have a partner then your energies mix in bed during sleep. Others in the household will become subconsciously closer but also animals and trees nearby, especially if you have been hugging them will exchange energy with you and ground you. Getting a grounded lifestyle through healthy foods, sport and energy flow work will enable you to sense this grounded relationship with our earth's keepers much better. I hope to discover more about the meditation-tree energy relationship over time and get into deeper more stable states by contact with nature. Perhaps become solid like a mountain.  

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