Dienstag, 6. Juli 2021

Neptune Transits as predictive of life changes, Uranus transits.

 I like to analyze the future in terms of the past. I use astrology a lot for that to try to find correlations. As Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 and a lot has gone down in my life I thought maybe its position in signs also caused changes in my past going back to the beginning. Since my houses and signs are virtually identical this makes for a house analysis as well. Till I was 6 and started in school Neptune was in Scorpio, 11th house. School education took place while Neptune was transiting in Sagittarius, 12th house. Sag is education. Capricorn transit1984-98 was young adulthood in 1st house, learning basic job, survival skills. I think I emulated my father, a capricorn, in this period to some extent.Aquarius transit was in my second house from 1998-2011, mostly I had an office job where my boss was an Aquarius sun sign and it showed in his style.  2011-2025 was my 3rd house. I learned lots of communications skills and have been working in an institutional setting( hospital). This is a meaning of pisces.My wife is a nurse with moon in pisces. Perhaps I leaned on her experience, influence. In 2025 Neptune will transit into Aries. Military service? Influence of my Aries son? Trip to Mars perhaps? My Mars is in Virgo, ruling Aries from 9th house so more education in routine matters. At any rate outer planet influence is clearer at older age when enough time has passed to analyze a bit. Uranus seven year cycles might also be a kick to look at if one tends to switch jobs, abodes, partners every seven years and it fits a nice pattern with where Uranus had been moving through. Since Aries is my 4th house it is family and home. I got a new house in 20010 when Uranus went into Aries. This sort of home change for 4th house Uranus transit is typical I just read. I started blogging about a year ago as Uranus entered 5th house. 2003-2010 in 3rd house may have been time I was into internet commentaries and reading threads.In mid 90s as Uranus was in my second house I had a long term import export job started of fifteen years. In 88 Uranus entered my first house. End of 89 I left America for Europe permanently. My college and late high school years as it was in 12 th house were dismal, lonely for the most part, typical 12 th house. My childhood and early to mid teen years in 11th house were quite sociable comparatively, an 11th house indication. 10th house libra as a kid of course not job or career indicator. Uranus will be in my 6th house gemini in about 5 years. So together with neptune in Aries, 4th house I could be into writing(gemini) military(aries) histories at home(4th house)? I just read that it means It brings rapid changes in work routines in 6th house. So maybe a job change of sorts a few years before retirement. I wonder if one could not anticipate and use these potential energies to one' s advantage on purpose to plan life transitions instead of just suffering under them and worrying about it, like weathermen making a forecast from their mountain of data.

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