Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021

Twist of the Screw

 Chakra means wheel. They turn, rotate. They become active and intensively activate that part of the body. This can take time, energy. After a while they are all moving, pulsating. Then instead of a rotation from front of body for an individual chakra, the crown chakra takes over the whole body from head to foot. It looks like a big screw rotating. One or two threads along head to neck then shoulders and chest through heart, solar plexus, belly, navel, through sexual organs, down through legs and feet. Arms of course as well.This is a slow pulsing sensation, creating lots of heat, a bit sweaty. Breath slows considerably to almost nothing. So frontal rotation is gone, top down has become exchanged for this. This can only occur if all chakras are awakened and warmed up. I used to try this sort of thing in longer meditations. I was doing 45 minutes. Now I only do 15 minutes but the body got used to that and it seems this type of thing is returning as a body reflex over time as I get more used to my energy body. Like the girly below in kick training, it is long term holistic practice on all parts and then combining them which is important. I discussed samadhi a couple days ago. That is not purely abstract concentrative state as I consider it but effects whole body. Aurobindo spoke of light coming from above. We need of course a mechanism for this, a process of drawing energy downward to heat our cells, warm us like a blanket, like the !onks who sit in snow( ask them or Wim Hof how this fedls energetically, I am giving my experience here). Getting this into a " steady state" 24/7 where it wluld increase would be intetesting. Imagine then a battery energy diagram where the energy loops from foot to head but 3D around back, sides, front. Source might be heart or crown which self refuels. Would this be the famed Nirvikalpa Samadhi? I took physics and some electrical engineering at university. I was unfortunately too scattershot/ eclectic to be successful in one area but in the end this may help in broader understanding. I mean like I believe but one needs technical grasp. Spirituality needs a good footing, like tai chi or circuitboards or accountancy. Everything is an art and a science.

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