Sonntag, 24. Juli 2022

Perfectionist vs self perfectionist relationshionship(sadistic vs masochistic)

 I have long since noticed my wife' s tendency to perfectionism. A bit easygoing as I am, I put this to her father's example and found in her horoscope pluto opposite moon, apparently a clear sign. I myself however am self disciplined, doing yoga, tai chi, energy work incessantly. Self denial here is the key. My father was a workaholic and like me had pluto opposite sun, i.e. masochistic tendencies. Therefore humorously speaking, my wife and I live in a sado-maso relationship. I guess this balances out as she tortures me endlessly  nagging over my mistakes and sloppiness and I masochistically accept this, enjoy suffering under her, whereas others would reject it. Similarly her moon conjunct saturn is deadly serious whereas my moon conjunct jupiter is pure clown, opposites therefore. Yin- Yang balance I suppose.

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