Samstag, 27. August 2022

Saturn Transits Natal Venus

 Happens once every 29 years only! 

The period, when the executor of destiny - Saturn conjoins Venus, is crucial for everything valuable in your life and happen
Saturn is associated with past experience, so therefore the main theme during the transit would be to review and reassess your lifestyle, values, self worth and relationships.
You might feel a little detached from people but this is needed in order to reevaluate objectively your relationships.
Saturn blocks or complicates love, thereby if you are single during this transit you will feel more lonely, melancholic, some may even go through depression. 
Reconsider your partnerships and decide whether they bring more negative or satisfactory experience.
This transit will help you to let go of unproductive relationships.
You'll go through transformations in your personal and business relations- end those which lack loyalty and strengthen the productive and valuable ones/ even get married.
The influence of Saturn can intensify your feelings and emotions. Someone from your past will come back, significantly impact your life and quickly becomes responsible for your happiness.
Often during this period people revive old personal or business relationships. If a new love interest appears the relationship will be marked by heaviness slownessor dissatisfaction or too much responsibility. Relationships with age difference
Another option - in some way you are obligated to an older person with authority.
You'll meet someone who will change you value system and help you to develop a practical and reasonable approach in life.
Venus also is associated with material wealth but Saturn will restrict those -financial security becomes priority and you will spend less.
An authority figure might be in charge of your finances or somehow limited them.
Saturn will require to pay back your material and moral debts.
Saturn conjunct Venus every 28-30 years. The transit lasts from 1-3 months to 2-3 years.
The transiting Saturn will transform your emotional, inner world. Saturn demands to learn from your "history" and it is exactly this influence which will force you to review your past experiences and reassess your feelings. Eventually you'll become a practical, confident and goal oriented individual. You will build a strong relationship with a trusty person (a karmic relationship) or quite the opposite- end a friendship which block your way to happy and prosperous life. People who have a negative or destructive influence over you will have to leave no matter if you want them to or not. Saturn is a karmic planet and therefore during this transit  you'll have to pay off your debts, especially if the person you owe is an older, authority figure. Usually, for the time Saturn conjunct Venus, it's very hard to achieve mutuality in relationships- be more responsible and give your full attention to the people you love. Important relationships can become deeper, marriages will endure but only if commitment and loyalty are present.
Venus also rules finances and other material goods. Unplanned, outer circumstances will impose certain restrictions and financial stability becomes priority for you- you'll reconsider your spending habits, pay off old debts to people or institutions. If you are not a principled, highly moral person and you are looking for "an easy way to win money", you can get into trouble very quickly- this can be another reason for financial limitations and problems with authorities-the tax-agency, the police, banks…
Vulnerable parts of the body- endocrine glands, throat area. Taking some precautions will be helpful. 

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