Sonntag, 11. September 2022

Autumnal Collapse 

I guess a few square miles of territory lost or won by whomever ain't in the least important so why the big deal about it? In mid 2000s decade I learned lots about Peak Oil and online we discussed the end of civilization, alt energy, gardening. Now it seems politics is making it come hard and fast and not gradual with batteries slowing decline till 2100 when we would have gotten used to a 19th century lifestyle. I recall reading about british industrial revolution uprooting the masses to work in the factories and live in slum squalor. We got used to a high energy lifestyle with hi-tech gadgets. What happens when you cuddle together in the dark in one room, eat raw foods of what is available, job is gone as it needs lots of energy too? Our whole lifestyle, infrastructure is based on cheap hydrocarbon energy sources. Cars, cooking, heating, lights. It reminds me of 1973 Arab oil embargo. Israel fought a war and USA, America supported it. The result was an oil embargo. This is similar, but in Europe. We can all moralize but Realpolitik is a different animal. USA has gone into lots of conflicts without being called empire of darkness for bombing out whole countries, much less suffering sanctions or any consequences at all. The Western Europeans had colonies and did what they wanted for a long time. This system fell apart as Central Europeans, landlocked as they were wanted more, but by taking it locally. Same colonial principle. This destroyed colonial system. Now Russian, Chinese pushback against the current system will weaken it to the extent that the postwar Western dominated global economic and military order, based on cheap energy availability apparently, breaks down, leaving suppliers to call the tune. Like if Germany can't get energy it will revert backwards fast and the population will beg to emigrate to where comfortable jobs are available. Millions could move to Russia to set up car factories, near oil fields or gas fields and be good citizens. Saudi Arabia has a huge underclass from the subcontinent of India and Pakistan. Texas could get the message and declare independence, close its borders and regulate oil prices in America. some sage advice in preparation here.

I myself had been in a panic in 2005 over the Peak Oil problem but let it slide. Now that we might live a reduced lifestyle maybe soon without much energy, maybe losing internet and friends online for example would force some adjustment. Maybe some will feel more lonely or start reading more or get out to social, sports clubs, curches or similar even if they don't really believe or care but just to be near people, especially if work disappears. Many earn their living online and this could disappear. Perhaps traditional occupations will beckon in stores, restaurants, etc. Life, as we have seen through covid, can change significantly and rapidly. Do not be surprised when your life' s dreams are suddenly dashed forever and you must start from scratch as a nobody. After the great financial crisis at least I had my health. Keep things in perspective. Move back in with family or friends. God is with us always.

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