Dienstag, 6. September 2022



I am guessing at Uranus venus conjunctions because Uranus is very alien and venus is our feelings. I recently got such feelings, I suspect osmotically as I absorb other' s experiences. This helps in psychological diagnoses but I should avoid trying to treat madmen, although we all have a bit of madness. 

It can happen with uranus conjunct venus that we attract weird partners far away. We get absorbed in our feelings but as they can' t be grounded( physical affection) due to the sheer impossibility of the situation that we depersonalize, feel alien. In many cases such individuals can retire into nature, swims, have pets, read fantasy books. Eventually they may overcome this behavioral pattern by grounding themselves in a physical partnership. However I suspect that the depersonalization to hypersexualization pendulum will exist regardless as part of the personality. It is just a given. The children of such individuals would probably later analyze the parent, remarking on odd swings in character, loving then distant.

I hope in such analysis the partner is not getting too much of me, which then reflects in their moods and I mistake it for them. Maybe the relationship between people is a whole problem in itself and each two pairings brings different characteristics to the fore. For example as I have venus conjunct saturn in horoscope which means a fear of intimacy and uranus oposite venus meaning I suspect rejection where actually affection is desired, that in general in aforementioned relationship my reserve and fearfulness of intimacy could easily trigger withdrawal and depersonalization in the partner. A more natural easy going partner with less sexual neurosis might be desirable than myself in this case. Of course with conscious work anything is possible...

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