Montag, 31. Oktober 2022
Jupiter Transit conjunct Mercury Natal
Jupiter is retrograde now in Pisces conjunct my natal mercury. My mental clarity seems heightened.i.e. I am more self aware, delusions are disappearing and I see my self image as just that and perceive myself with the skepticism of others. Long held wishes, denial are being discarded. Also the high Jupiter energy, largest magnetic field by far except the sun, is boosting my chakras enormously. I was noticing 3rd eye, heart, sacral chakras, throat and wondering what is going on, so much energy. Mercury is not just intellect but nervous system. I guess this is a growth opportunity.
Mars Square Jupiter
Both planets are highly visible at right angles to one another. Mars red like I have never seen it and Jupiter brightest star. Recent events, three mass deaths could perhaps be attributed to this.
Mars Square to Jupiter:
" friction" Table
When powerful Jupiter and sexually-charged Mars are Square to each other, they can be described as promoting friction and tensions between ideas. As illustrated in the table below, each of the specific influences of Mars (listed in the 1st section), creates tension with the energy profile of Jupiter (final section) at some level — and vice versa.
- Competition
- Energy
- Sexuality
- Courage
- Action
- Aggression
- Strength
- Inner drive
- Anger
- Passion
- Desire
Square Effect
on each other:
Creates tension with
- Teaching
- Luck
- Abundance
- Optimism
- Philosophy
- Growth
- Wisdom
- Expansion
- Optimism
- Understanding
Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022
Heart Center Meditation Video
I include this as I am experiencing a wonderful heart expansion today from my meditation practise and wanted to share something similar. Usually I warm up my chakras by meditation and this dies down as I go into my routine. I can feel energy from others which then is much stronger than my internal feelings. On the weekend I have more energy normally internally, due to being a bit hyped from work and sport and my routines from which I need a couple days off to recuperate. Generally though I then go over to being energized by several sources, like a battery, namely, by meditation, yoga, tai chi and social contacts. Maybe I am too dependent on others to fire up my heart chakra in general, meaning I am emotionally dependent/codependent. Perhaps what I am now experiencing is self reinforcing. It just keeps burning, coming from somewhere, maybe above as my head chakra seems open. One goes through emotional phases. Perhaps I am becoming more independent in my spiritual devlopment instead of relying on group dynamic, friendships. I will have to see how this develops.
Samstag, 29. Oktober 2022
Freitag, 28. Oktober 2022
Dreams as Emotional Breakthroughs
Yesterday I had a very sexual dream. I guess I had been suppressing that energy some but had lots of desire. This morning my cat spoke to me in my dream and in the dark of my room in the dream I used my 3rd eye as a flashlight. So it seems that after strengthening my lower chakras that my throat chakra and third eye are freer to develop. One thing after another. One cannot expect to suppress permanently one's anger or will to power or sex drive, like being always overly nice and inoffensive and thinking sex is evil and then expect to have a well balanced energy body where your upper chakras have a basis for growth. When you are afraid of anger and sex you will also fear mind, expression and be superstitious of new powers and deep heartfelt love. But balance is important. After some time of good upper chakra activity that will subside and I will become wild again.
Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2022
Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2022
Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2022
7 Health Benefits of a Vacation
People in the U.S. are working more hours and taking less time off, bringing on various mental and physical health challenges. When work is overwhelming and your work-life balance feels out of whack, it’s time to ask yourself, “Should I go on vacation?” Taking a vacation offers many health benefits, but there are factors preventing people from taking a break.
For example, layoffs and lean staffing make it difficult for people doing the work to get away. Some fear that taking a vacation will make them appear less committed than coworkers. The seven health benefits of taking a vacation outweigh the stressors that can come with planning a getaway.
Seven health benefits of taking a vacation
1. Improved physical health
Stress can contribute to heart disease and high blood pressure. For both men and women, the New York Times reported, taking a vacation every two years compared to every six will lessen the risk of coronary heart disease or heart attacks.
2. Improved mental health
Neuroscientists have found that chronic exposure to stress can alter your brain structure and bring on anxiety and depression. When you take a vacation, feelings of calm arise and relieve stress, which allows the body and mind to heal in ways that it couldn't if it were still under pressure.
3. Greater well-being
According to a Gallup study, people who "always make time for regular trips" had a 68.4 score on the Gallup-Heathway's Well-Being Index, in comparison to a 51.4 Well-Being score for less frequent travelers. One study found that three days after vacation, subjects' physical complaints, quality of sleep, and mood had improved compared to before vacation. These gains were still present five weeks later, especially in those who had more personal time and overall satisfaction during their vacation.
4. Increased mental motivation
Many who return from vacation are more focused and productive. Studies have found that chronic stress can make it difficult to achieve certain tasks and cause memory problems. Taking time off can be like getting a tune-up for the brain, improving your mental health and cognition.
5. Improved family relationships
Spending time enjoying life with loved ones can keep relationships strong. A study by the Arizona Department of Health and Human Services found that women who took vacations were more satisfied with their marriages.
6. Decreased burnout
Employees who take regular time to relax are less likely to experience burnout, making them more creative and productive than their overworked, under-rested counterparts. Another way to manage burnout is through the Oxygen Mask Rule: "Secure your masks before assisting others." In other words, address your mental, physical and spiritual needs before committing to responsibilities benefitting others outside of your immediate family.
7. Boosted happiness
Research shows planning a vacation can boost your happiness. Some people experience an elevated mood up to eight weeks before the trip.
The bottom line is, take a vacation if you can. When you take time away from the stresses of work and daily life, it can improve our physical and mental health, motivation, relationships, job performance and perspective. A vacation can help you feel refreshed and more prepared to handle whatever comes when you return.
Montag, 24. Oktober 2022
Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2022
Saturn Turns Direct Today
Saturn square Uranus for several weeks and will enter Pisces in March. Life will be a bit more direct and simple after 4 months confusion.
Astrological Events in October 2022
Saturn goes direct today,square to uranus in taurus and to my moon/jupiter in taurus and trine to my north node, semisextile to my sun in pisces, quincunx to my mars/uranus/pluto in virgo and square to my neptune in scorpio. Jupiter in retrograde is transiting my Mercury end Pisces. The eclipse moon will conjunct my moon in taurus and neptune in scorpio(sun), sexti!e my sun, trine my virgo planets. This looks like fun.
Also first full lunar eclipse for US election day in its history. Deep shadow work for America?
Samstag, 22. Oktober 2022
Freitag, 21. Oktober 2022
Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2022
Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022
Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2022
Montag, 17. Oktober 2022
Top 5 Energy Blockages
Key Words
Upper chakras- Overrationalizing, no intuition, patriarchal culture
Throat- toxic media consumption, negative self image, expression
Heart chakra- loving all but self, not receiving love
Solar Plexus- Codependency, giving Power away( maintain boundaries, independence)
Lower chakras- Lack of pleasure, enjoyment, "soul nourishment"(over regimentation of
life, diet)
I looked this up as I felt blockages go away literally. If sex or love feelings are literally too much energy in one place then when energy grows in typical spiritial practice these areas become overemphasized (burning third eye, etc). Eventually it should even out into a smooth flow as if the body were one big chakra. Of course limiting beliefs, feelings and behaviors as described in the arzticle can causd blockages. An atheistic conviction from childhod im a spiritual practitioner can leave a cynical residue, blocking our intuition(third eye, spirituality) of a higher reality. Social pressures from media, frienfs and toxic self talk can make us distrust our own selves, etc. When we give up these blocks, allow them to fall away, it is a big decision, like a turning point after years or decades of having very strong convictions. Fo I really believe in spirituality or is yoga, meditation just a health thing and I am not crazy nutjob who is superstitious. Rational mind, stability is very important but not everything.
Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2022
Samstag, 15. Oktober 2022
Freitag, 14. Oktober 2022
Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2022
Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2022
Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2022
Montag, 10. Oktober 2022
Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2022
Samstag, 8. Oktober 2022
Freitag, 7. Oktober 2022
Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2022
Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2022
Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2022
Do Dogs Have Souls?
Long text here covering many issues. I feel strong energy through my whole body from certain animals so have conviction on this matter.
Montag, 3. Oktober 2022
Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2022
Decalcify and Activate Pineal Gland(aka 3rd Eye)
When you decalcify the pineal gland—known as the third-eye chakra—you remove calcium phosphate deposits. This can lead not only to better health and wellbeing but to higher consciousness.
Located in the centermost area of the brain, nuzzled in between the two hemispheres, lies the magnificent pineal gland—known as the third-eye chakra or ajna chakra in the Hindu system. This tiny pinecone-shaped endocrine gland (also called the mind’s eye, the all-seeing eye, the seat of consciousness, and the gateway to the soul) is the stuff of myth, magic, and legend. It is a “stargate” or pathway between the physical and metaphysical dimensions. To decalcify the pineal gland is to open and activate the third eye.
How the Pineal Gland Functions
The pineal gland produces and secretes melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone responsible for regulating the body’s biorhythms, including our sleep-wake cycles. It also works in congruence with the hypothalamus gland, which directs the body’s hunger and thirst, sexual desire, and aging process.
But as many wisdom traditions believe, when performing at its ultimate capacity, the pineal gland releases important biochemicals such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Also known as the spirit molecule, DMT is a prime catalyst for higher states of consciousness, intuition, and even possibly the experience of universal consciousness or enlightenment.
A properly functioning pineal gland is synonymous with good health and wellbeing, while calcification (the buildup of calcium phosphate crystals) and deterioration of the pineal gland could be health hazards. It’s important to know how to decalcify pineal gland.
Having a blocked third eye (or calcified pineal gland) can wreak havoc on your wellbeing—from anxiety, depression, pessimism, and a tendency to overanalyze to confusion, delusions, paranoia, and impaired perceptions of reality. It can even be linked to neurological disorders.
11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland and Activate the Third Eye
Give processed foods the boot. Foods with additives, preservatives, chemicals, and pesticides are all risk factors for both calcification and premature aging. That goes for GMO foods as well. Always opt for organic, living, plant-based foods.
Ditch the shades. Our eyes need indirect sunlight exposure to function properly. The pineal gland, on dissection, reveals the presence of a photoreceptor, like the ones our two seeing eyes are equipped with—hence the “third-eye” designation. The pineal gland’s photoreceptor is actually activated by light reflected from the retina, so don’t be afraid of the sun’s brilliance at all costs, and don’t be fanatic about sunglasses.
Try sungazing. To venture a step further down the rabbit hole of experimentation, sungazing is an ancient technique believed to improve health and even induce such states as heightened clairvoyance and the ability to subsist without food or water. But bear in mind that only certain times of day—specific stages of sunrise and sunset—are recommended for sungazing. So, don’t go staring at the sun at high noon and expect to attain superhuman powers.
Embrace darkness. The pineal gland is activated not only by the sun but also by darkness—complete darkness. So, make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible during your dream time. Even the small light of an alarm clock or cellphone can be disruptive to the production of melatonin, the hormone associated with sleep regulation.
Crystal work. Placing a crystal over the third eye while lying down is said to work wonders on activating it. Crystals with indigo and violet hues are recommended, and clear quartz will always help to amplify their properties. Some good options include amethyst, lapis lazuli, iolite, moldavite, sodalite, moonstone, and many more. Leave the stone between your eyebrows during meditation for 15 to 30 minutes.
Third-eye meditation. Drawing your eyes up toward the third eye, softly place your awareness on that center. Next, imagine being able to see out through the third eye (between the eyebrows). This concept alone will have you seeing the world in a new light.
[Read: “4 Meditations to Tap into Your Intuition.”]
Khechari Mudra. This should only be tried under the supervision of an advanced Kriya yoga teacher. (Paramahansa Yogananda recommended Khechari Mudra only to a very select group of his disciples.) Place the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth, all the way to the soft palate. Some yoga gurus teach stretching the tongue further back to touch the uvula, and even up into the nasal cavity. The aim of this mudra is nothing less than the attainment of deep states of spiritual consciousness that may even reach samadhi (a profound state of deep rest). Again, by itself, without the right attitude, proper technique, devotion, and spiritual attunement, this mudra would amount to little more than a tongue trick.
Try natural remedies. Each of these can decalcify the pineal gland and stimulate it: Gotu kola, boron, alfalfa sprouts, parsley, oregano oil, sea moss, neem oil, blue-green algae, spirulina, coconut oil, walnuts, chlorophyll rich foods, beets, apple cider vinegar, lemon water, MSM, turmeric, ginseng, and bentonite clay.
Use essentials oils. The nose is a direct gateway to the brain and the pineal gland. To stimulate the olfactory passage to spiritual states of awareness, try sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh, clary sage, helichrysum, pine, pink lotus, and mugwort.
Change your lightbulbs. Fluorescent lightbulbs are both harmful to health and hard on the eyes. Replace them whenever possible with full-spectrum lightbulbs, which are more consistent with natural light. Full-spectrum lighting is often used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and sleep disorders via lightboxes that mimic natural sunlight. Not all full-spectrum bulbs are the same, however, so do some research on which ones to choose.
Practice Kundalini yoga. Specific movements are designed to raise the Kundalini energy, which rests coiled at the base of the spine. Activating Kundalini essentially attunes our bodies to connect the cosmic energy with the physical body and root it to Earth. This serpentine energy flows upward, activating the 33 vertebrae points until it reaches the pineal gland and crown chakra. The same energy illuminates the third eye.
Now that you know how to decalcify your pineal gland, you’ll be gazing through your third eye into the truth of existence, into the universe itself.
12 Chakra System
I noticed a few days back, coming home from work in the evening, Jupiter huge and bright in the sky. It immediately warmed up my third eye and the energy gradually flowed through to my heart and body, as I am generally used to from other practices. It remained with me a while indoors. Next days were clody, but Friday was clear so I saw many stars for comparison and I actually have become more sensitive in this way. Last night before going to sleep I stuck my head out theback window and observed a bright star, which had a strong effect. I feel this is is very sharp, cleansing. It should not be practised too long. I held this energy as I went to sleep. One speaks of solar energy as diffuse in general. It seems that plants collect that readily by chlorophyll. Chakras when activated seem to have a high effectiveness like in high procent solar cells for catching energy, presumably photons, emitted by biological sources(humans, animals, trees) and light sources like the sun, moon and stars. Talking of spirituality and religion as a Western, scientifically educated person, who nevertheless has belief in a higher being is difficult. We keep learning more, unveiling various levels of "science" of what was previously superstition when we did not understand it( thunder and lightning not from Thor/ Zeus).