Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2022

12 Chakra System 

I noticed a few days back, coming home from work in the evening, Jupiter huge and bright in the sky. It immediately warmed up my third eye and the energy gradually flowed through to my heart and body, as I am generally used to from other practices. It remained with me a while indoors. Next days were clody, but Friday was clear so I saw many stars for comparison and I actually have become more sensitive in this way. Last night before going to sleep I stuck my head out theback window and observed a bright star, which had a strong effect. I feel this is is very sharp, cleansing. It should not be practised too long. I held this energy as I went to sleep. One speaks of solar energy as diffuse in general. It seems that plants collect that readily by chlorophyll. Chakras when activated seem to have a high effectiveness like in high procent solar cells for catching energy, presumably photons, emitted by biological sources(humans, animals, trees) and light sources like the sun, moon and stars. Talking of spirituality and religion as a Western, scientifically educated person, who nevertheless has belief in a higher being is difficult. We keep learning more, unveiling various levels of "science" of what was previously superstition when we did not understand it( thunder and lightning not from Thor/ Zeus). 

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