Dienstag, 28. Februar 2023

Energy Work

 This is like sports talk, 50 sit ups, pull ups, push ups. Pretty lame but painful in real life and hard going. When your meditation gets too intense the energy has to go somewhere. Basically it is super cool being in a chill happy state in bliss with your head a buzz but in the end that energy has to spread around. The legs, feet are a great energy sink. I got my ankles burning today . It seems that all that flexibility in the joints, kriya similar( involuntary muscle motions in yoga) I experience while working is just central nervous system dumping energy outwardly in movement. First comes hectic, being crazy like a little kid, and then later that same energy seeps deeper into the body and you feel it burning and then you are more relaxed and passive again but used to the higher energy. Beyond the yoga kundalini stuff people know this, woman at a young age have trouble with orgasms and may be stressed out generally but then learn how the energies flow and become quite relaxed. Some strong assertive men might be quite used to displays of anger and aggression, which they forget moments later which would upset another person with all sorts of self doubts for a long time. So chakra work, energy work is normal for everybody. Just like in the relationships post below. I think I can grow my levels of energy really high but my personality remains the same. I am shy. Just imagine trying to change basic personality traits through therapy( Like the old ad to not be a 98 pound weakling). Is it a neurotic tic or is it you? What is superficial and observable and what can' t you do anything about and can you keep peeling away layer after layer over the years, which should happen anyway as one matures if one is to become old and wise and not become an old fool? At a certain level mdditation helps bring perspective. One sees things from far away, detached. Like having done something for the thousandth time and discovering a pattern, not being nervous in it anymore, being in the flow of sport, conversational ease, friendships, relationships. Practice makes perfect. A higher level of proficiency, speed, energy needs some getting used to but then allows one to paint a broader general picture, maybe create a general theory for oneself about the activity one is in, relationship jungle, work activity. 

comment march 1st:

Lately, recently my meditation has acheived a more stable state. Usually afterwards I would forget it and think of other things but now it stays with me. Energy flows from crown chakra downwards. I am less disturbed. Before my energy would settle in my lower chakras horizontally seeking stimulation. This is distracting, anger, love, etc. Energy from above down to the feet is stabilizing. I recall Aurobindo talking of golden light from above or similar. If feeling for other people is love then feeling through the crown chakra is worship of God directly I guess. It has taken years to reach this. I hope I keep making progress. They talk of samadhi then of permanent or nirvikalpa samadhi and then some rare birds' bodies transformed to become immortal or disappeared altogether in a pulse of light. I suppose the process is universally the same so perhaps we can all acheive that just like learning working out.

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