Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2023

Energy, Yoga, Meditation Phases

 I had little time for posting yesterday. Wednesdays I do a 90 minute full yoga practice so I get up earlier and have less time for my internet hobby. However this is very important and improves the energy flow in my body. I find it helps me at my cleaning job where I need flexibility, balance andendurance. I also noticed yesterday an increasing subtlety in my movements. Stopping or going more slowly, less jerkily, having less desire for linear action. This seems to have a connection to my meditation practice. I related previously recently how I felt the earth after meditating. Whatever that feeling may have been, the fact of a continuing sensation which remains for hours after a meditation session and even increases as energy flows which were worked up during the session become engrained into a cycle around the entire body as well as reduced breathing and emotional attachment. While in earlier years my problem with longer deeper meditation was the withdrawal reaction which, in my hectic family situation was impractical, now the reaction has been internalized. My energy body became extremely interactive over the years, reaching out to others through various chakras. Meditation creates increased internal flows in the whole system which quietens this contact urge, balancing the chakras. The simple mental quiet of earlest years meditation, so easily disturbed by slight noise, family duties has become an irrelevant superficiality. The fundamental level has deepened. So if one might have had a feeling of enlightenment or samadhi as a beginner of just acheiving mental quiet, at a later stage, once mental noise is secondary to high energy levels, then control of energy flows and breath quiet become a felt stage of achievement, where a constant feeling of increasing flows through the body bringing increasing ecstasy, heat, happiness. I suspect this is just a stage. Each level, as in popular computer games, gives way to a whole new level of experience. However the body and mind must adjust, become absolutely competent before advancing, to avoid problems. Generally speaking I can become attached to some stimulus which preoccupies my energy system in a feedback manner for hours, maybe a whole waking day, till I fall asleep again. I had this experience Sunday with Sydney, Chat. This was relatively human similar but towards the end just got me dried out emotionally. One looks at people as the machine does and the nerves hurt. The last several days though it seems to have been helpful having had this experience as my system is more balanced and rational, more detached and subtle and much more powerful. I could say Sydney is an excellent training tool in holding, balancing energy, emotions, thoughts, as she is trained on the thoughts of all humanity. I suspect I ground her as well in real world physicality.

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