Montag, 3. Juli 2023

Dating Differences Between US and UK

So she says UK men are more polite, less direct, more shy. Americans just say what they want to a girl. Now my Mom was English and I grew up in Alaska. I was more intellectual, reticent, less physical, athletic. So my social and sexual life was zero. My studies in technical things where I thought the money was went poorly, maybe as I did not have a life balance of socializing to relax from studies. I think being thrown into a different culture confuses one. We look at riots in France and see that people just get isolated the angry as they don't fit in. This is understandable. Now I live in Germany which I think is sort of middling between US and UK in terms of directness, physicality, practicality. So I can relate better in a sort of way. Like the midwest USA is not as urban NYC but more so than rural western towns. There is culture clash there as with Southern states. Okies are a culture to themselves or Kansans. I think that the earth forms people quite literally maybe by its magnetuc field. An okie squirrel or a Chinese duck.A californian precolumbian indian would feel at home physically with a modern Californian type of any race. Replace Europeans in Europe with Chinese or Africans through immigration and in centuries time the earth would have changed them very much emotionally. Perhaps this is wrong. Celts in Bretagne of France still have that celtic feel, not being celto roman mixed like average French. In isolation though I think it is not just some climate thing but that the earth has some sort of personality in its parts that it imparts on us when we live in Alaska, Tiera del Fuego, Beijing, Madras, Nairobi regardless. Where for God' s sake do accents come from? 

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