Montag, 22. April 2024

Lies of Hookup Culture( book discussion)

sociosexuality- how much one is willing to accept loveless, casual sex

pseudorelationship- a couple, for example at a university, are having sex regularly and only with each other, but with the understanding that it is not exclusive, there is no commitment and this can last months or years when really the one or other really just wants to be able to hold hands in public and be acknowledged as a couple.( to me it sounds like an illicit affair) . 

She says that men accept casual sex much easier than women and with almost any woman while woman are cautious, picky. Hookup culture works essentially on average for men and only for some women. 

I wonder then why I see all those negative male made videos about women in modern relationships. My Dad's old joke was classic " why can' t a woman be more like a man?" , i.e. logical and rational. If young men want plannable hookups leading to maybe a relationship then they are not planning female "irrationality." As explained in the book review, women don' t get much orgasms in hookups but only in deeply comitted relationships. Women's whole emotional, physical system is involved when they have sex. Men are more genital fixated. Women feel the whole social situation and their whole body. Their breasts are erotically connected to their vagina and of course lips. Stimulate the breast and the heart chakra gets activated. They start to fall in love. 

I personally have venus conjunct saturn in my birth horoscope. This is is extremely difficult for such people to have casual sex. Promiscuity is for other people.


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