Sonntag, 21. April 2024

Women's Equaliy vs. Men's Equality

Rousseau Social Contract

A deeper view is necessary. It seems that at the moment the leftwing is in the ascendant generally. Females and minorities use emotional themes to push their interests forward. The dominant role of the white male in society is attacked as a great evil or of males in relationships. Rational historical past achievements are denied like previous poverty of all people under kings, dictators and the fight for democracy or the male essential role in essential technological infrastructure, military defense, etc. This extreme leftwing tendency has created a blowback which is reestablishing a balance in society. The Founding Fathers were not just evil slaveholders. All men are not just Players, who you must outplay in a vicious darwinian zero sum game and then perhaps to play it safe in girl on girl affair. A hatred towards religious authority and governmental authority which have been traditionally white and male and hetero seems to justify the trend. However, every rebellion is necessarily a teen phase to be outgrown. Once one is in the driver's seat of power, decisionmaking, grueling tawdry of work is no different than 50s housewifery cage. In old Rome they celebrated for a day allowing peasants and leaders to switch roles for a day. Likely there was a good reason for this and a great deal of wisdom.


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