Montag, 4. Mai 2020

Pop star personalities explained by horoscope

David Bowie ( written in 2015)
During the past few years, the public more or less thought that his absence was final, but the British star takes them by surprise, for he follows only his own way, which is typical of the Sun in Capricorn and the Ascendant in Aquarius, his main astrological signature.

No one will be surprised to state that Bowie's natal chart is in his image: very complex, full of contradictions. Indeed, his Capricorn Sun against the backdrop of his Aquarius Ascendant reveals a personality which fears no solitude, quite indifferent to material contingencies, and almost impervious to other people's opinion or influence. Although it is true that Aquarius has an angelic and altruistic side, this sign is sometimes so very vanguardist and original that actually, it does not need anyone in particular. Furthermore, in Bowie's chart, cold planets confirm this first analysis outline, especially Saturn, ruler of Capricorn and second ruler of Aquarius, who is angular and conjuncts the Moon. Bowie's deep nature is therefore Saturnian, melancholic, ascetic, but also self-disciplined and ambitious.

Physically speaking, whether he takes on the guise of Ziggy Stardust or the peroxide star of the '90, the personage of Bowie confirms these sign/planet dominants. Gaunt face, dandy or vampire look, classicism and austere style or on the contrary, red hair, make-up and sexual ambiguity...

So far, we see that all astrological characteristics point in the same direction. And yet... In this chart, the importance of the sign of Leo is not to be overlooked, for it is tenanted by three planets, including the Moon and the house of the Descendant (relationships with other people). In other words, beneath his provocations and his displayed indifference, Bowie needs to draw the attention of the crowds. Or he does so unintentionally. Whether we like him or not, few artists win such unanimous a support, as far as his revolutionary artistic influence is concerned.

The Leo touch endows him with definite power – all the more so since Pluto is involved – and pokes flames that are less solar but burning with an almost poisonous passion. Lastly, with the Midheaven and Venus in Sagittarius, we can add that he used his interest in foreign cultures in his career but also in his romantic life. Is he not married with gorgeous Iman? And his song for a certain China girl is not to be forgotten.

What can be said regarding the current period, and is it possible to understand his desire to be in the limelight? It must be acknowledged that transits are not significant. Nor the Solar revolution. On the other hand, it is worth noting the secondary progressions, since the Moon will activate his planets in Capricorn, Mercury, Mars, then the Sun, in the coming months. This is the indication of the renewed sensitivity which will enable him to give his best. Against a Capricorn backdrop, in the 12th House, it is the result, literally the fruit, of a long maturation process.

End of astrotheme analysis. I hope to look at other prominent figures in all areas of life in the future. Astrology is a great way to get under the hood, so to speak, of our heroes and villains, to understand how our past has been created by cyclical changes in the movements of the planets. Certainly another person just like David Bowie is impossible but patterns recur and certain elements similar to his personality come about from time to time. We honor past heroes with energies similar to our own, in effect, we are drawn to similar energies.
A P.S. on this one. My rising sign is capricorn so Saturn rules my horoscope although I am pisces. Saturn is also conjunct my Venus, mking me quitd serious. But Uranus is in opposition to this venus/saturn conjunction, giving me constant emotional and intelectual stimulus. So I also have some uranian/saturnian elements although my Pisces nature and Taurus moon change that equation. I have no fire like Bowie so am not one for limelight except for moon/jupiter conjunction. This makes similar to Sagittarus, a fire sign. Everyone is different smnd learning astrology is a great help to understand exactly how and where.

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