Montag, 7. September 2020

Eclipses in Nov, Dec before great conjunction./ conjunction cycle in terms of civilization rise and decline

 I noticed that I am having a nodal return, 3rd one, at 55 years in sagittarius/ gemini

 almost directly conjunct the next lunar eclipse, 30 Nov and solar eclipse, 14 th Dec. The lunar eclipse is square my saturn/venus conjunction to ursanus/pluto opposition and the dec solar eclipse is square my sun to mars opposition. The last full moon was conjunct the saturn/venus to pluto/uranus axis. Eclipses should be more dire than a normal full or new moon but as it is not a planetary conjunction  like the last full moon then perhaps less so. However as it coincides with my nodes and my nodal return then it is maybe more significant. Every nineteen years eclipses happen at the same place. Just after 9/11 this one happened before. Our lives got massively restricted and now again. Nodal returns in and of themselves can be important making us want change in our lives. As this solar eclipse happens one week before the grand conjunction perhaps that has some significance also considering it is also a grand mutation. The Jupiter/ Saturn conjunction will now occur in air signs for 200 years and not in earth signs, which it has with the exception of 1980 in libra, for the last 200 years. 800 years ago it last occurred in march 1221 in Aquarius and before that in march 491 in Aquarius. It seems to switch back and fortn quite a bit between air and earth signs at times like at the end of the Roman empire. Basically think that this transition could mean an end to a larger civilizational cycle every 800 years. Roman high civilization to Middle Ages church civilization to modernism to a new society which is only emerging from our subconscious now. This new civilization, like early renaissance, is likely 200 years away before true blossoming as the grand conjunctions go into water and then fire signs. So if there are 800 years of a civilization and we divide this into 4 seasons then water conjunctions of saturn/jupiter represent spring, fire conjunctions represent summer, earth conjunctions represent fall and air conjunctions represent winter. We are entering a 200 year civilizational winter globally according to this schematic. For example we started to idealize humans in our renaissance art in water, fire signs, concretized this in science and industry later on in earth signs. Rome got very industrial, mechanical also towards its end then abstracted in air signs as it collapsed. Becoming abstract we lose our grasp on the physical. A new start is emotional, spiritual in water at Halloween of the year 2219 in scorpio again. 

Eclipse tables back to 1945

grand conjunction tables for 3000 years

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