Dienstag, 1. September 2020

Full Moon in Pisces Opposite Sun in Virgo, Mars retrograde

 Check out transits in your birth chart and consider the effects. Sun is on my Uranus, Pluto conjunction making me unpredictable, irascible for a few days. I gotta watch out I don' t do crazy things. Moon in opposition to that tomorrow on my venus/ saturn conjunction.  So my relationships problems will be clearer for a few hours it seems. As the sun and moon are in opposition on the axis of my horoscope I thinkthese effects will be increased. Also as all my planets are connected in a sort of rectangle any effect on one is just like on a billiards table going to effect all the others. This effect is very positive for me generally as transits work around quickly, balancing out the energy, not resulting in isolated, negative effects, like for someone woth unaspected planets. It can be a rush though I believe. So I guess nowadays I should pay attemtion to full moons in may, november, september and march as I have planets in these areas. Mars retrograde for two months in Aries starting the 9th. I was born with Mars retrograde so no problems there but if you are a very direct person, go- getter, action type keep an eye out, maybe chill out a bit more.

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