Sonntag, 11. April 2021

Moon Phases and Jupiter/ Saturn Phases

Moon Phases are sun/ moon phases.

I looked for an article on Jupiter/ Saturn waxing and waning phases for comparison but they all seem exclusively focused on the recent conjunction in December. Through thought and observation of the times and of human behaviour one might notice that, as in the moon cycle where at opposition, or full moon people are more self conscious and at new moon less so, also at a grand conjunction people are very direct( and those born near this time) while those born at the opposition of the two great planets reflect the times in their general attitude, 1970, 1990 birth years or thereabouts being less dogmatic, more relaxed. So a generational aspect is not in and of itself a thing, xers, millenials and boomers but rather in a 20 year generation from 40-60, 60-80,80-2000 the waxing and waning aspect bewtween the two great planets maes fora certain emotional emphasis within the generation itself, just as for those born under a waxing or waning moon.

My moon is waxing at 60 degrees( sextile to sun) and the moon is conjunct to Jupiter with a waxing quintile to Saturn( 72 degrees). So it seems in this respect my personality is "emergent". Perhaps the relationship between these phases in a horoscope make quite a difference in general emphasis in life. Being a March baby, similarly spring was coming, so my personality was born into a general growth cayle and not at low or peak of the solar cycle as such or of the other two cycles discussed here. 

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