Montag, 14. Juni 2021

Spiritual thoughts

 in physics they discovered that photons have both the properties of waves and of particles. So one can imagine light being like the ocean. Now this is not just white light or the visible spectrum but all electromagnetic energy. It is of course well known that matter and energy are convertible. Humans for instance are made up mostly of water. All our cell are renewed in 7 year cycles they say. So a lot of matter is switched out. Some quicker than others, skin cells for instance. Nerve and brain cells slower. Nutrition, sport, intellectual activity optimizes this. We of course are a dynamic energy system with mitochondria as little cellular motors for example. Energy comes through nutrition to fuel our muscles. Some immediate energy can also be absorbed directly emotionally by our nervous system. Photons obviously go through our eyes and heat penetrates our skin to heat us up. We also feel others' moods. Our emotional apparatus absorbs their wavelengths. Method acting or dance or poetry are ways of attaching to a person' s energy or personality structure. A good speaker can sway a crowd, a musician change a mood in a stadium with song or instrument. So people are like drops of water or photons of light, with principles of waves and particles. We live as individuals but survive best in groups. Having many and deep contacts means flowing into someone and they into you and then passing on this energy to someone else. So a nervous tick or silly laugh of some odd person I will never meet but who is a friend of a friend of a friend somewhere online or offline will become a part of my emotional makeup and they might recognize their silly laugh as an internet meme globally and wished that they had patented it years ago and could now live off of the royalties. It is rather unpredictable how my moods and energies will go. Lots of it has to do with whom I come into contact with. Ond can sit in a cave meditating and do asanas all alone and make great progress. The universe has great energies to offer by transforming our bodies. However once we reach a point where we dynamically absorb lots of energy from people through purification of our energy system then it gets to be more interesting. One person might have a strong heart chakra, another the throat, etc. Generally speaking we would divide up into specializations in a village or community depending on inherited characteristics genetically. Astrologically it seems that planets have magnetic imprint at birth on our emotional condition. One thinks of karma or original sin. A shy or temperamental person can' t change all that much but just adapt using tools at hand, like avoiding people or situations which are impossible( stage fright, door to door sales job). However a team can smooth this out if one person has a deficit. OTOH dynamic energy exchange is an interesting though odd technique whereby when one has very open energy centers one can transfer energy or absorb it from a person with a particular strength in one area and completely reprogram or restructure how you feel inwardly, overcoming innate personality blockages. In catholicism there is the term ' grace' for a feeling of inner peace which allows forgiveness of sin. Jesus was similar to gurus who offered enlightenment.Old testament and vedic rituals were focused on blood sacrifice for forgiveness. Hard work was everything. The upanishads and the New Testament argue for enlightenment or grace. In modern terms the physical body is transmutable into energy in Einsteinian fashion through esoteric practice. We can overcome deep seated blockages, emotional habits by activating and cleansing these energy centers or chakras. If a group works on this together it accelerates even quicker than in a singular kundalini awakening and becomes more balanced. One might have developed a particular chakra sensitivity over many lifetimes and I might absorb this like a sponge then integrate it into my entire body system and pass it on to another member of the group in passing until eventually everyone in the group adapted to the one member' s deep knowledge from many lives. Eventual all come out strengthened and more adaptable. All continue absorbing from their environment, giving back. If the more advanced people are few they can spread what they have learned osmotically, lifting ten, a hundred, or thousands more upwards to an intermediate level, increasing general mental and emotional health in a time of high emotional and social anxiety. We are the salt of the earth said Jesus. I suspect the early church of the first decades had esoteric kundalini awakening techniques similar to yogic and zen schools, only passed down orally, later omitted and repressed by the church hierarchy. We can imagine this as being similar to ayahuasca and similar in South America, now becoming big business. Healthy and independent humans will likely come into conflict with authorities who cannot control them, as in taming of wild animal herds. Falun Gong being forbidden in China is an example. Perhaps all esoteric practices will become treated as evil witchcraft by the government in a few years or practised surreptiously, through samizdat.

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