Sonntag, 5. September 2021

Regular Horoscope Transits with Aspect Patterns

 My horoscope looks like a rectangle with four main points in pisces, taurus, virgo and scorpio. This looks like a billiard table. Whenever any planet transits, particularly directly in conjunction to one of these corners then the effect is sent around to all the other planets immediately for the duration of the transit. Recently Mars went by several of my planets in Virgo and now the Sun is currently opposite my natal sun, venus, saturn and conjunct my natal Uranus, trine moon and jupiter, sextile Neptune. The conjunction is probably most important but if the planet were without planetary aspects it would be less useful. Uranus is currently in trine to the sun and in approaching my moon in Taurus. So Uranus is trine my natal Uranus. This of course holds for my whole age group. This is a very interesting and useful thing about analyzing outer planets. You can understand what all your contemporaries are going through emotionally by just reading up on saturn transit your natal uranus or similar, knowing that everyone is having the same mood problems. 

Here is a description of some aspect patterns. This is important to understanding one' s personality:

Aspect patterns and transits

Having an aspect pattern in your natal chart invites for more careful observations of transits. Such time periods bring significant changes and also allow for rearrangements to take place.

A good approach is to pay attention to transiting planets that match those found in the pattern. For example, having an easy opposition with Venus being the “easing” force can be read as an invitation to watch Venus transits over natal Venus position, as well as the other two planets involved.

Practicing note taking during those periods may prove extremely valuable as you will begin to notice certain repetitions of circumstances around those periods. And this allow to introduce a powerful method for changing those circumstances.

If at the moment of transit you make a conscious choice tangential to usual “default” behaviour, a powerful redistribution of energies may be triggered thus raising the frequency of your chart.

As with many things astrological and magical, it’s all about the timing. Success equally depends on precision and relevance of action.

What intensifies aspect patterns

Any aspect formation becoming significantly more intense when aligned to the angles (the Ascendant–Midheaven axes).

For example, a grand cross aligned with the four angles passes a sense of extreme density and raw manifesting will power.

Astrological chart with aspect pattern of grand cross aligned with the angles

If an aspect pattern rests on the nodal line between the South and North Nodes of the Moon, that pattern points at forces that the individual need to apply to ensure a successful journey towards fulfilment of their destiny.

Astrological chart with aspect pattern of t-square aligned with the lunar nodes

The chart above tells us that using Mercury–Uranus faculties of innovation and originality is the way forward in this incarnation. The Uranus square comes with a warning that any revolutionary faces: the danger of losing one’s head. Introducing mercurial attitude of humour and relativity supplies much needed lubrication to overly electric Uranus. Note that there is a trine aspect between Mercury and Uranus.


Interestingly my nodes form a square with my sun- mars opposition so that I have a grand cross additional to a rectangle. I always like to look for new angles. For example lots of planets are spaced apart in pisces. However this is anything but random. While the sun is sextile to moon in Taurus, venus/ saturn in early pisces are quintile to moon and mercury, in lates pisces is septile to moon and square my ascendant at beginning of capricorn. Studying odd aspects like quintiles and septiles makes for interesting reading. And nodal aspects to planets are also very significant, influencing life decisions just like planets. The ascendant in aspect to a personal planet can also be very important in daily life, as that is how you come across to the world. 

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