Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2023


Irish Accent


Public Speaking


Nordic Winter Traditions


N. Carolina Vlog, Underpainting Process


2023 Science Breakthroughs


Ancient Pyramids


DINK, Double Income No Kids


Why Norway Won't Join EU


Samstag, 30. Dezember 2023

100 Years Ago- Rolling Stones

My father born 100 years ago today, died aged 87

The Celts


Do Your New Memories Replace Your Old Ones?


Billionaires Out to Destroy the World


Methodist Split


Flood Defence Megaprojects


Tesla Optimus


AI in 2030


Clearing Space Debris


Freitag, 29. Dezember 2023

Affordable Ancient Coins


How a Nerd Learned to Love Exercise


Trampoline Sport


20 Castles No One Would Buy For $1


Ereaders Compared


Oscar Winner From Korea Dead


Top 10 Russian/Soviet Mathematicians


Use Yoga to Reconnect to Your Sexual Energy


Donnerstag, 28. Dezember 2023

Swan Lake - Behind the Scenes


Mythology: Gods of Death


Strauss Waltz: The Beautiful Blue Danube


Greatest Archaeological Discoveries of 2023


Making Purple Gold

Ultimate cool luxury gift

Chateau Diaries 496 - Boiler Room Repair


1918 Adjarian Song - Trio Mandili




Costs of Spending Excess Time in Fantasy Worlds


Dienstag, 26. Dezember 2023

Vietnam Type Scare With Palestine Protests As Seen in NYT Article


Clothing Can Affect Your Light Absorption


Tunnel for Rail Line in Algeria Completed by Chinese


Antimatter Factory


Bach, Handel, Mozart Christmas Concert


Harm of Knuckle Popping


Imminent Internet Apocalypse


Experiences of High Vibrational People


Montag, 25. Dezember 2023

Dune Part Two Trailer


How Science Became Unscientific


JWST - Matter Appeared Everywhere All at Once


A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas - Plot Breakdown

So Guinevere is kidnapped by Agamemnon and Don Quijote swears revenge but is thrown into the dungeon of Monte Cristo for decades until he escapes to find his time machine broken and he is stuck on Treasure Island with Robinson Crusoe and his good man Friday.

EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing - Pseudoscience?


Mad Max - Fury Road Trailer

And after living in Europe or the States there is everyday life in Australia!

I watched this yestterday on Bluray with my family over Christmas dinner after me and my wife went to church for the first time in years. Quite a change from the children's nativity play!

How I See the US After Living in Europe for 5 Years

I suppose a longterm American feels it differently than I did, as my Mom was born and raised in England. I never felt quite at home in Alaska, which was frontier anyway, with a train station feel of people coming and going from everywhere. This lady seems to have come from a very settled, conservative middle class midwestern small town settled a couple hundred years ago. I left mad max territory after feeling more home in European grottoes. Settling virgin land takes time. Siberians, Australians were convicts settled forcibly. Chinese who settle in the far West have higher suicide rates.

Would You Love the Same Man on and off the Pill?

Like couples who meet in a bar and relax through alcohol. The hidden 3rd partner. Medication, chemistry changes relationships.


Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2023

Liberal Jews Turn Conservative After Gaza

I was thinking about the Southern States realignment to Republican party after Democrats took up civil rights in the 60s. Jews felt oppressed due to pogroms, Holocaust. Now they have arrived as a privileged white minority and have lost their oppresed identity, have become part of the establishment and have to behave conservatively. I read once that they vote schizophrenically, being rich like episcopalians and voting like Puert Ricans. It seems that this is going to change. Rich Jews will not be woke but will sed their interests in lily white conservatism and God fearing Christians as their allies. A historic realignment is coming. What will Zuckerberg, Hollywood directors, CNN, NYT do? Switvch over to Trump? If they were a normal minority in the USA, Europe it would be unimportant but they have strategic power as a group. Maybe liberal Jews will go antizionist, antiisrael and the Jewish people will split their vote, influence. My wife and I were generally in agreement politically until Gaza. But now we had heated embittered arguments. She is proisrael and I support the gazans. I say my Irish ancestors were similarly oppressed by imperialists and she feels her german - russian people's were oppressed like the Jews. She watches Russian language videos of Russian Israelis. Maybe lits of Jewish or mixed blood families with Jewish and non Jewish background have similar internal conflict. I recall Kanye West being cancelled recently but now a black Harvard leader supporting antisemitism with massive support and being attacked by the NYT, presumably led by Jewish editorial and ownership. When the civil rights, movements, blacks as oppressed minority lose Jewish backing in press, Hollywood then oppression by average whites like Trump will be easier. If pogrom against Jews is threatened by blacks then they will side with Christian whites. Apparently a Civil WarII is happening in America. What effect will such a realignment have on foreign policy. Neocons, led by Jews in important positions wanted to defeat Russia, Arab countries, China. Will that position remain tenable? If BRICS wins the big game and the Middle East realigns in their favor, making Neocon, proisrael policy impossible then peace will be necessary. This will all take time to sort out and is anything but simple. It is like being best friends with Erdogan. Is he with Nato or Russian bloc and which day of the week is it?

What 600 Days of Daily Meditation Did to My Brain


Unrealistic and Unattainable Beauty


Hollywood Turns Against Israel


Visions of Catherine Emmerich - Life of Jesus


How Hitler Ruined the Reputation of the German Language


Somagetic Ecstatic Experience


Ancient Spiritual Meaning of the Winter Solstice


Long Classics That You Will Really Enjoy


Freitag, 22. Dezember 2023

Scarborough Fair - Celtic Flute


Saturnalia Festivities


Kamila Valyeva - "Wednesday"


Pentatonix - "O Holy Night"


Ice Dance - "All By Myself"


True Colors of Ancient Greece


120,000 Year Old Human Finds in Australia


Indo-Europeans to Asia


Ejaculation Frequency and Cancer

Reminds me of the arguments on breast cancer and having breast fed.

Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2023

Best DNA Test for African Americans


Harakiri vs. Seppuku

How to for beginners?

Are Bears Just Big Dogs?


Great White vs. Dolphins Drone Footage


Covid 19 vs. Flu vs RSV - How to Distinguish


Exercises 65+ Less Pain, More Mobility


1970 Superbird Build Update


Cure Tooth Decay


Mittwoch, 20. Dezember 2023

Biggest Solar Flare in 17 Years Hit Earth Last Thursday


Convergent vs. Diivergent Evolution


What if the Universe Isn't Real?


Finding Meaning in a Doomed Universe

So on first day of Kindergarten class this lady comes in and explains that in X billion years the universe will end meaninglessly and that we are mere specks. All the kids start bawling and hang themselves in utter desperation. One kid in rebellion curses God, the teacher and society. She is struck down by lightning(God), arrested (society)and gets an F for misunderstanding the class lesson(teacher).  

Postmodernism(Original vs Leftists Nowadays)


The Observer - Creator of the Universe Found


How Chariots Became Outdated


Spartacus Revolt Against Rome


Cathars Middle Ages Heretics


Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2023

Earthquake of 6.2 Magnitude Near Tibetan Plateau Kills 111


Why Only Earth Has Fire


Jack Kerouac


Wroclaw Poland


Emergence Theory


Michelangelo - The Last Giant


Why Most in UK Live in Certain Areas of England


Volcano Outbreak


Montag, 18. Dezember 2023

Old English Had Three Genders, Not Just "The"


Top 10 Hugo Award Winning Science Fiction


Helen of Troy Facial Reconstruction


Hidden Meanings of Alice in Wonderland


Ants Decapitate Praying Mantis


Recent Extinct Animals


Best Haunted House Films


Harvard Classics


Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2023

Chocolate History


Feminism vs. Patriarchy Discussion

In certain situations this sort of balances out. My wife is more mechanical, technical getting this from her father obviously, while I am inept mechanically. She expects me to repair things but I demur and my son, who shares her traits, takes it on. I see the whole subject in more complex ways. She is oldest daughter, therefore is more assertive, self confident and has greater leadership capability. Also personality in terms of horoscope or however one wishes to analyze it plays a role. My pisces softness is not good at STEM subjects but rather arts, sports. Virgo for example might be good accountants or similar. This male/female dichotomy is very limiting. My Mars is in virgo so I like to do cleaning, office work, organize things like my books. Mars placement might indicate career choice and then sex could limit this( female bricklayers?). Perhaps examine parental careers and birth placement( youngest, middle, single child). IOW people nowadays are totally fixated, at least public figures, on arguing about a couple issues, race, sexual equality and equity ad infinitum. We have to go beyond all that, namely legislating quotas based on this to other background issues. Maybe if one examined jobs, one would find that those employed in certain areas had certain characteristics. Doctors had parents who were doctors or mechanics were scorpios. Stop hitting your head against a wall and think outside the box. 

Billie Eilish at SNL - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

I kept expecting humour or irony but it was absolutely traditional.

Oregon Trail- Westward Expansion


Big Cats But No Big Dogs?

Chihuahuas are small. Others are quite large.

Expired Food


Best Language App


Sama, Ainu Genetics - Connection Between Whites and Asians


Turkish Alphabet


Hindu Denominations

As a practicing yogi I must be a Shivaite.

Romanian History


Samstag, 16. Dezember 2023

Recent Christmas Tree Origins

Middle ages

Typical Soviet Apartment


Scientist Explains Why He Turned to Religion


Gene Editing Breakthrough


How WWI Created the Middle East Conficts


Longevity Tests


Charlemagne in 8 Minutes


Shroud of Turin


Oldest Known Bible From Ethiopia


Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2023

Thai Massage

This type of massage is more than in the West, a pressure placement, rather it is body manipulation, yoga done to you by the masseuse.

Women's Figure Skating Exploits Girls


Why Buddhism Declined in India

This is similar to European reformation causing a Catholic revival. Buddhism caused similar in India. Also later on Islamic invaders massacred buddhist monasteries killing millions. Together these two did the job. 


Solar Maximium in 2025


Teheran Street Walk


Jaw Bone and Sinus Face Manual Therapy Chiropractic


Israel Kills Gaza Poet

I find it heartening that the Jewish state has become like every other, namely, corrupt, brutal, power hungry. If there ever was any naive innocence in the saying "Next year in Jerusalem" then it is now gone. I remember the joy of German reunification, of the fall of the wall, of the excitement in all the East bloc countries, then Mother Russia to see the fall of communism. However, quickly reality set in. Much of communist propaganda about the West had a seed of truth, poverty, crime, disorder awaited many. Similarly the dream of a safe haven, a country of their own, brings with it the burden of making very hard decisions, like a parent with children having to mete out severe punishment, set rules, give orders. Eventually one can become obsessed with being right, make severe mistakes, become disillusioned with one's original dream. This is a natural cycle of anyone who starts into almost anything, job, marriage, political or religious affiliation. In short, this war could " Israel's Vietnam" to use a well understood American metaphor. Lt. Calley and his " burning down the village to save it" awaits the IDF. 

They Lied About the First 100+ Years of Christianity


How to Use 'Flow State' to do Impossible Things


Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2023

NYC to Convert Empty Office Buildings to Cheap Communal Apartments


Henry VIII's Christmas Feast


Alexandre Antigna: 58 Paintings


The Creatures that Thrive in the Pacific Garbage Patch


Gay But Religious

People just did not talk about it but it always existed and people married even or just remaiined single. This is in all cultures, religions and depending on how traditional the culture is, the more taboo it will be. Considering this from a biological, sociological perspective where basic survival is a matter of family and community cohesion then differences such as left handedness, atheism, homosexuality are very disturbing to societal structure and massively repressed from earliest age. Obviously in a society where resources are plenty and freedom for all is real then freedom of choice is more. Choice however has its own problems as we see nowadays where teens are so identity confused they change sex. The more choice one has the more paralysis ensues. For example an arranged marriage can be liberating or imprisoning depending on one's viewpoint. Endlessly searching on one's own for Mr. or Mrs. right can lead to failure and bitterness or magical happiness. This is sort of like the theory of choice in shopping. In practice one does not look at all possible options but tries out a couple and is ok with it after a while. 

Which Asian Language is Harder?


Why So Many Red Headed Characters in Fantasy Books?


What is Autism?


Whistleblower - Alien Bodies and UFOs


Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2023

Montag, 11. Dezember 2023

Mars Colonization 2030-2100


David Hume - Everything is a Belief


Chartres Cathedral - a Sacred Geometry


Where are All the Denisovans DNA?


The Evolution of Whale Ecolocation


5 Minute Language Habits to Make You Learn Fast


Did Jesus Exist?


Ducks and Cauliflower to Market


Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2023

Top 100 Christmas Songs


Time Taylor Swift Article / Rolling Stones All 243 TS Songs Rated

What Took Down These Three Ancient Civilizations?


Colonize Alpha Centauri?


Grow Back All Your Teeth


Heart Transplant Victim Sees Old Heart


6 Types of Dyslexia


Why are Cities So Left Wing?


Illegal Grafitti vs. Street Art in Germany


Jiddu Krishnamurti the Anti-Guru


Venezuela Guyana War?


Samstag, 9. Dezember 2023

Kardashev Scale : Type I to VII Civilization


This 50,000 Year Old Culture Solved the Mystery of Time


Bach's Metaphysics of Music


Early Buddhist Teachings on Friendship


How Europe Discovered its Linguistic Conection to India (10,000th Blog Post)


Paleo Cave Art Mysteries


Did Denisovans in Europe Evolve into Neanderthals?


A Hittite Version of the Trojan War


Freitag, 8. Dezember 2023

Pet Diet


Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains?


Femke Bol World Records in 400 Meter in 2023


Top 10 Neanderthal Traits in Modern Humans


People are Going Blind


10 Worst States to Live in America


Martial Arts Masters Underestimate Girl


Reading Aloud in French from 'Candide'


Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy vs. Nikki Haley at GOP Debate


All Summer in a Day - Ray Bradbury short story


Electric Unicycle


Swift Named Person of the Year by US Time Magazine


Hybrid Pianos


DNA Tests Compared


Aurora Lollapalooza Chile 2023


Byzantine Mercenaries


Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2023

Why are US Politicians So Old?




Waterloo Battle Explained


1905 Pussy Breakfast colorized


Russian Defense Line


Spanish/Portuguese Part Arab Blood?


Why Americans and Europeans Dislike Each Other


Canada's Assisted Suicide Program


26 Year Old Vlogger With Huge Brain Tumor


This Tiny Apartment Will Help Solve NYC Housing Crisis


Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2023

Most Misunderstand Love: Sufism Channges That


Biggest Tree on Earth is Bigger than Your Imagination


The Okinawa Diet: Living to 100


Icelandic Language


How Isotopes Reset - Geologic Dating


Russian Colonization of Alaska


How do Neanderthal Genes Affect Your Health?


Universe Found Before Big Bang


Montag, 4. Dezember 2023

International Initiations Schedule Babaji's Kriya Yoga 

Most Difficult Books


How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness - The Road Less Traveled

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Persian Language History


City Bombed and Rebuilt


How the Soviets Won Chess


The Problems With Ozempic


Unexplained Ancient Monoliths


Sifting For Arrowheads


Can a Billion Oysters Save NYC?


Sonntag, 3. Dezember 2023

Georgia, Birthplace of Wine, Restoring Ancient Grape Varieties


How Strong is a Polar Bear?


Interesting Egyptian Customs


Religious Affiliations of US Presidents


How Not To Age


Man Wakes From Coma Speaking Swedish with New Identity


Jews in India


Women Tired of Being Masculine


Samstag, 2. Dezember 2023

Out of Date Dictionaries


Can the World Rely On Renewable Energy?


Jewish Inventions


2600 Year Old Etruscan Tomb Opened


How Stair Stepping Improved My Balance


Napoleon: A. Historical Hit Piece


New Jersey Turnpike


Organic Electrochemistry


Freitag, 1. Dezember 2023

What Was the Earth Like When Humanity Began?


Downsides to Rural Living


Viking Wisdom - Never Be a Slave


Even 5 Minutes of Exercise Does This to Your Brain


How Can We Stop Burning Fossil Fuels if We Still Need Everything Else they Make?


The Delhi Sultanate


The Psychology of Astrology Carl Jung


Faroe Islands


Donnerstag, 30. November 2023

History of Roman Republic


Nixon's Secretary of State, Deténte with Russia, China, Dead at 100, Henry Kissinger


Ötzi the Iceman's DNA Sequenced


US Manufacturiing Boom


Oldest Mammoth Bone Shelter from Neanderthals




How Homo Erectus Took Over the World


Perfect Solar System Found in Search For Alien Life


Coptic: Ancient Egyptian


Mittwoch, 29. November 2023

Learn Italian in Sleep


Unspoken Rule of Nature


Elizabeth I of England




The Most Dangerous Mistakes Cat Owners Make


New Movie Trailers 2023/4


The Deepest We Have Ever Seen into the Sun


Why it's Good to Have a Weak Hand


Montag, 27. November 2023

Guanche Mummies of Tenerife


Pythagorean Proof Thought Impossible for Two Millennia


Chartres Cathedral


Syrian DNA


Viking Longship


The Fall of the Monarchies 1905-1922


Kyoto Tachibana Band


Rosalynn Carter Dead at 96


Anomalies in Deep Space


Hay vs Straw


Confronting Israel's Racism and Propaganda


The Irish Rising


Jade Hunting


Brick Oven Breadmaking


Norad Underground Cities


Breakthrough Supercritical Turbine


Sonntag, 26. November 2023

Ashkenazi and Sephardic Differences in Culture, Food


12 Inexplicable Scientific Artefacts


Butch, Femme or Stem?


Rajasthan India


My Life in Rural China


Wealthy Families That Ruled the Gilded Age America


Bouguereau Forgotten Painter


Brigitte Bardot Shorts


Snowstorm in Moscow


Samstag, 25. November 2023

Thousands of These Were Found in the Ancient World


Why is All Life Carbon Based Not Silicon?


Why Does Netflix Cancel All Their Best Shows?


Red Clay Brick Production Line


Oldest Family Tree in the World


Neutron Stars are Weird




Huge Extinctions We are Now Just Discovering


Freitag, 24. November 2023

Cars are a Disaster for Society


New Napoleon Movie


Genius of Sewing Machines


Galaxies from Another Universe


Latex Catsuit


Japan's New Techno Army


Suburbs Destroyed Our Cities, How to Fix Them


Northwest Eats a Raw Onion Like an Apple


Donnerstag, 23. November 2023

Krill Discoveries


How Russia Became the Biggest Country


Eight Extinct Animals the Greeks and Romans Saw


Why do British Look Down on Americans?


Ancient Mayan Sport Comeback

Long since cancelled as the losing side gets sacrificed to Quetzlcoatl 

History of Bananas


China Imports Grain but India is a Net Exporter Despite Half the Production


Acne and Leaky Gut Syndrome