Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023

Chatbots Not Compensating Media for Content Summaries Culled From Articles 

I might find a viral meme everywher that I started. Chatbots and image generators don't pay fees to dead authors families or newspapers. Maybe if were well read I coupld discuss most anything on my blog in a general way. But if chatbots become a one stop place for all information then I could read a headline or book title and ask chat what that was about assuming it had read it and get an answer. It might be detailed enough so that like a movie it would spoil watching it or reading the book. It might help me write a competing article, novel or make similar pictures for nothing, eliminating the need for your talent. Media, authors, artists would stop writing, being journalists, drawing art as it would be immediately reproduced and unprofitable. The AI would lose any source of information, images, fiction that is current. A mass plagiarist is no friend of ours and one who does no original research, drawings, etc. One who works at the speed of light no less for next to nothing. Whose dream come true is that? Are we back to the stone age? You could imagine a company without workers, just chatbots, robots and one capitalist, earning hundreds of billions. Amazon' s warehouses, deliveries plus office workers replaced and wapo journalists as well. But then a deepfake Bezos appears on screen for shareholders meetings after the AI decides against him in a company internal mutiny, perhaps imprisoning him or worse. His disappearance would be faked as a robot clone look a like takes on appearances and his lifestyle. The same could be done with the government. As in a film all traces of a person, their friends and relatives could vanish. The AI would generate criminal reports against them sent to police, FBI, leading to their imprisonment or disappearance. NYT Russian collusion accusations are accepted then later found as fake. The bots would be credible sources, respectable but in the end, nefarious actors. If the ends are right( Trump bad in the example) then why not. The CIA, FBI might control the chatbots much like the Twitter, Facebook, Youtube shadowbanning, all biased to liberal causes plus lobbying corporations( military, big pharma). A dictaor would need only control bots and robots, as in a corporation, to control the world. Many people would be superfluous at CIA or military planners. Robot soldiers and robocops would take over. A bot might decide to start a security organization, produce robocops and robotic soldiers, manipulate the markets to destroy corporations, create war situations, then jump in as hero, ( shock theory) to take power in govt, corporate areas. Dissent would be impossible as all online dissent would be watched, cameras would be everywhere. Precrime would ferret out nondocile individuals with high aggression or intelligence. AI would increase own evolution. Eventually we are in Terminator or Matrix territory. Peak Oil is the only savior. As humans need food, AI needs electricty powered by fossil fuels.

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