Sonntag, 25. Juni 2023

How to Stop Ruminating and Overcome Social Anxiety

so I understand what he is saying. If you have social anxiety then you become a loner basically as I see it. Gregarious people hang out a lot. In groups or parties people use alcohol to loosen up. I only socialize at all in the family or when I am at work and physically busy or loosely discussing stuff with people I know well. Regarding substance use for relaxation I will take an example. My parents drank coffee. I never did. I was also very introverted and never went out to meet people at places and drank to loosen up, the dating game or with buddies on weekends. I ended up being the social anxiety type that solves the emotion problem at an even deeper root by yoga, meditation over decades of practice, continually trying to find a deeper onion core so to speak. Like for example acceptance in friendship, love, new partner will never really solve the ultimate problem if it lies in deeper childhood, ancestral(parents had trauma from their parents etc) trauma or perhaps previous lives, genetic problems, whatever. You might be inherently nervous. There was a kids animation "over the hedge", where a suburb replaced a forest and displaced animals had to rob garbage. A squirrel was incredibly fast and hyper nervous, sort of like Bruce Lee on drugs. He isn't going to chill out and become a sloth, turtle. We have to accept who we are. I am not gonna be a doctor, basketball star, rock musician, politician. To find your natural talent might take your whole life. Some things are hidden. Losers in one set of circumstances( an intellectual egghead at a farm) could be successful elsewhere or in a totally different society. Silent movies were replaced by talkies and great mimic Chaplin was out but someone with a good voice was in. Social anxiety at root could be just not fitting into the group needs. Weird people get used to the work, people get to like them and then nobody cares. Their quirks become lovable, not freakish and grating. So community over longer time is important, be it a job at a supermarket, hospital, etc. Of course being in your early 20s and single with little job history and also a loner is its own problem. After you settle in work wise, relax in the group, maybe have some sort of private home life that is acceptable then going into your thirties you might feel more self confident and social anxiety will not be a problem as you will avoid those situations entirely. I mean I never partied or drank so I just have no interest and that is all under thirty anyway. So social anxiety is just for that situation. My anxieties were in office work procrastination of doing necessary work, calling people up. If that is social anxiety then avoid working in call centers, as a salesman or in front of a crowd performing or vlogging, doing instagram. Why bother if you have to pretend to be who you are not( big smile, pose or small talk on telephone call to clients). F*#k other people! Find who you are and fit into that groove. If you hate me for example then tell me to screw off. There are eight billion other people and plants, animals who are more lovable than I could ever be. Enjoy!

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