Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023

Vancouver is Dying

Maybe if we get back to basics in life. People should all do physical jobs, not desk jobs. Screen time, TV, internet should be shut down. Production of goods should be localized. Religious values could return. Extra-, premarital sex could be criminalized and divorce, abortion made illegal, nearly impossible. IOW if people lived a life where you have skin in the game all the time. Work and income means hard sweat. Dating is dead serious. Property crime is life imprisonment. Drug use is death penalty. Otherwise we are seriously looking at Roman decadence type decay, downfall. I see all these stories about big American cities where everything is screwed up. If people had an internal moral compass then strict laws, religion would be unneccessary but it ain't so and gangs rob stores at will, etc. WTF is going on?

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