Sonntag, 14. April 2024

Chivalry Dead

I am definitely insensitive and not chivalrous or gentlemanly but I have really had to learn hard to be emotionally open anyway. My wife never seemed to notice but she was raised soviet, equal rights for sexes. I think this is cultural. My English mom was no fancy, romantic French girl but practical, cold, commonsense. I don' t recall her hugging me, seeing my parent hugging or kissing or any overt chivalric attitudes from my dad, brothers. If it was carrying heavy things, doing repairs, taking out garbage, ok. Flowers and stuff hardly. Opening doors for ladies extra violates their sense of self confidence. Everyone needs autonomy like car driving or finances. This video discusses southern USA vs north. Europe has a similar divide. Russians are not as emotional, romantic as Ukrainians for example. But getting at a woman' s heart is the key whatever cultural environment. It seems times move fast and change too much so that nobody can agree on standard rules. 

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