Montag, 15. April 2024

Modern Women Getting a Reality Check on Being Independent

I don't like watching these divisive opinionated videos about the war of the sexes. I think however that the roles we play are crucial and define society. Women have continued to gain more responsibility and power in society. Jobs are less mechanical and more service oriented requiring female communications skills. Very high paying jobs are still male technical though. Average men compete with women everywhere though. Family life definitely suffers. Who earns more? Who has to switch careers, is unemployed, neeeds retraining during a relationship? What if a kid is born? The state support system, different everywhere is then crucial. The example in the video is USA pure, 9 months pregnant, 11 hour shift standing. Dickensian. I recall my stay at home mother. Social isolation, loneliness degrades a person, like when one has a long spell of unemployment. Then throw three small kids and a disrespectful husband into the mix. That was the silent generation whose despair gave birth to boomer freedoms. 

These videos are all of the 30 year olds with zero perspective on how great it really is to be a 50s housewife. Obviously my wife worked continuously in a hard nursing career from 16 years on( on the job training after finishing school). At 33 she was very glad for a ten or more year child raising break. Coming back to work later after getting fit, losing weight through sport, diet she was ready to roll. But I saw the crazy times when she was a stay at home mother being testy, moody, stressed out. Friends are coincidental other mothers met at playgrounds, waiting to pick up kids at school. When the teens leave school, she went back to working half time and did regular sport the moods evened out. My Mom did not get these opportunities. University studies, a bit of work then marriage and kids but no further career except some more studies and failure to get back onto career ladder as a teacher. No sport, few friends, hobbies and bothersome boys and husband equals a desolate deterioration, particularly in the arctic climate we lived in for an immigrant. 

My two bits here on the current arguments. I prefer less rights, less pay. I have seen the downside and entered the workforce after endless useless studies, very late. A penny saved is a penny earned. Hobbies like yoga, reading, fitness and doing more with less give quality relationship, lifestyle and not competition in job, housing, cars, clothes, vacations with everyone around you. Maybe I am just gen z before they came. Low effort, high life quality and not high achiever for the corporate machine( patriarchy, the man). 

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