Donnerstag, 18. April 2024

Touch Starvation

Earthing balances inner energy flow and touching as well I believe could be shown to have a grounding effect. I really ground with lots of people( non touch, eye contact, opening my heart up to people, etc) and I don't go around on the earth barefoot, although I hug trees. I think we should do technical studies in this direction. Pets could help enormously as well as houseplants, gardening and sport, yoga, meditation to balance blocked flows in the body. I even feel that exercise is not enough. Hard labor, exhaustion really gets energy going as we were made for this. Body has to be maxed out. Most yogis, meditators are sedentary office types so their big energy growth never hapens. It just goes wild from years of hard labor plus all the other practices. Maybe I am still seeking. On vacation I can chill but I fear retirement stopping my growth of the last years. 

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