Donnerstag, 11. April 2024

USA Gun Dilemma

Massive military budget, militarization of the police, everybody on drugs, alienation from nature, sitting at desks, in cars, in front of screens your whole life and then the symptom is freaking out and killing a bunch of people with weapons at hand. In other countries it is knives or men get together to form criminal gangs in inner city or war bands, islamist extremists. Men nedd a purpose. I see videos talking about how dating market is broken as commitment is zero and marriage, childbirth is way down. Meaningful jobs, social cohesion is way down. We can't see all this in isolation as schools teach kids they have to change genders or being white is evil. 2nd amendment gun preaching is just flip side of a destructive materialist society gone riot. Who needs a gun in Japan?

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