Sonntag, 6. September 2020

Outer Planets

At around 12:30 it shows how big Jupiter's magnetic field would appear if visible, larger than full moon in length. Science is interesting but I wonder how astrological effects occur and if the effects are merely physical or quantum mechanical. Saturn is contractive,  Jupiter expansive, neptune dreamy, uranus disruptive. Science in and of itself is interesting but when one believes everythig effects everything els then it gets more interesting. I sat on the grass, hugged a tree and felt earth' s electricity today.  Other people's moods come over to me from their energy field around their spine, heart, like mini planets. I suppose our horoscope is the momentary imprint of planetary states of magnetic fields at birth. If scientists were to believe in this for social/psychological studies they would analyze said magnetic fields in overlap to see what effect it has on politics, stock markets, earthquakes and use this for predictions and treatment in psychiatry. Unfortunately scientific instruments are not at the disposal of astrologers.


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