Donnerstag, 19. August 2021

Dreams , politics, heart vortex exercise

 I dreamed a cop had just shot and killed a criminal, also who was an artist, he left a couple hundred and took his painting of his mother for the now fatherless family, as the cop lived with his own mother and the theme was close to him.  Next scene before I awoke the swarm of military choppers in the blue sky above I fear attack. They down a high white tower, like a church instead which falls in our direction and from fear I awaken. News feed shows me later a massive Israeli attack on Syria. The very human and contradictory relationships follow from the dream. 

Yoga practice heart vortex spinning exercise. 

sitting bend one knee to side, stretch other leg straight as far to other side as possible and bend down to leg with face as far as possible. I touch nose to floor and wrap hand around foot. Repeat on other side. This double side stretch gets heart chakra turning quickly. Unlike back bends or forward splits which open it generally. Very satisfying. 

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