Freitag, 20. August 2021

Transgenerational Trauma 

My father was a WWII vet on the ground in Europe and was I believe sole survivor in his platoon. Guilt there. His brothers also fought but in Navy or air force and married quickly after the war and remained in home town. My Dad wandered westward through Canada and ended in Alaska, married in late nineteen fifties, started kids at 38. This in a time when people had quick starts, big families.  I read lots on the war from what my parents had at home, absorbed miserliness from depression age suffering. This also postgenerational trauma. I recall a third grade essay (1973) where I wished for peace on earth. Boomers preached that back then and their dads were also WWII vets. Why did this not stick for them, this trauma of their fathers? Perhaps earlier trauma came to my family. My granddad came from Ireland at 4 years of age in 1881s, a generation after the famine. So psychologically this stretched this trauma out in my family. having kids in his forties)Frequent young birth cohorts can quickly recover whereas older parenting can keep memories alive of the worst historical incidents for well over a century in dark family subconscious.  Such people can be slow starters, live long lives, be wiser than their years, more serious than their peers with a history of shorter generations behind them or less transgenerational trauma, political or personal. Healing such trauma, actually of any type can be hard work . Much of psychology and spiritual work is about churning these waters and clearing it out. Psychoanalysis or years of meditation for example. My war dream last night is more empathic than personal I believe. We were not bombarded in my family. I was the cop in the dream I think, so played the ugly American in Iraq or Afghanistan or perhaps Israeli security guards or US cop on the beat in the ghetto. There is obviously a trauma in just doing your job but ultimately being in a morally questionable position. Lots of our vets take their own lives constantly. This is the price of doing evil for the man and his empire. Vietnam vets were similarly  plagued.  Generational theory by strauss and howe bases all of history on the trauma cycle repetition in fact. Buddha would have us break our cycle of hatred, fear, reprisal by doing internal work. I only find conscious mental work superficial. ‘The Body keeps the Score' talks of this. Kundalini awakening is a direct, dangerous path for the few to cleanse body and mind of  trauma on the way to enlightenment, however that may appear.

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