Freitag, 27. August 2021

Uranus transit over natal Saturn

Uranus Conjunct Natal Saturn

During this transit you may find that certain circumstances and structures in your life that you used to depend on for security or comfort could undergo transformation or suddenly change without warning. It is a powerful time as the structures of Saturn that provide material stability and routine will be challenged by the rebellious nature of Uranus that will ensure that rigid thought patterns and behaviors that are no longer necessary in your life will be broken down. You will especially be feeling this transit if you sense that tension in your life has been building up over several years.
If you have made compromises for the sake of others you may feel like you want to break free from your situation. The more you have feared insecurity and change the more problematic the time will be. If you keep clinging onto these oppressive relationships whether personal or work life will step in and make the change for you which will inevitably make things harder for you to take. It is a force for good as it clears the old structures that are holding us back from personal growth. Repressing this energy may inevitably bring disease or other illness in its wake.

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This obviously fits people around 20-22 and around 50 in the current placing of the two planets in Taurus so it could hit middle aged parents and young adults living in same house. Midlife crisis and wild youthful behavior simultaneously is a problem that is harder to handle than just one person or generation having a crisis at a time. My son for example wants definitely to move out now regardless of living and working conditions or giving up his studies for a long time and this started two years ago when uranus transited his saturn natal. Now we have found an accomodating solution for this where he can still study, not work full time, nor accumulate debt. Living with parents and younger siblings can destroy peace of mind. Saturn can react slowly to the mad impulses of Uranus however. Uranus is less a raging bull in the china shop, destroying all in its wake, than bolts of lightning and intuition causing sudden realizations of changes in our lives which help us adjust our course slightly to avoid sinking in the inevitable rapids ahead which life always provides. Saturn is however a stubborn, habit ridden old mule which clings to its old ways. Learning can be slow at any rate for all of us when it comes to habits of heart, mind and body we have long since adapted to and no idea of which direction to move from here.

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